Thursday, April 24, 2008

Eccentric..... me????

Oh, well, I have finally done it! and I am flattered indeed! I have finally been endowed with such flattering adjectives - eccentric… fearless...efferversent.... I actually view such complimentary adjectives as better than a DATUK or DATIN or TAN SRI title. Guess effervescent is not so positive, as it could mean - saying without thinkging. I thought I am generally rational and could ‘nyean’ / patient, eg listening to some one berating me for two hours!!!! However, I supposed I could say I have finally ‘landed’ or ‘beached’ borrowing from a chinese phrase, which indicates that a person has arrived.
Beached, indeed, like a big fat whale out of the water!

Above accolades came about from what I shared with my friends. Below is an excerpt:-That day in our Seminary one of the students brought a video to us. it is a video of Tibet and how the Tibetans are really doing well with Chinese control; with the Chinese government building roads. His contention is that we should look at the political and social content of the situation and not condemn China.I gave a real ‘nasty’ but honest remark which may not have gone down well. I said, that is just pure propaganda by the Chinese government against the bad publicity from the west; over what China has done to the Tibetans. There was absolute silence in the class after that.

On the same track, when the Koreans held the last Olympics, they had a bad ‘attack’ by some Americans over the Koreans being cruel because they eat dogs! Wonder what it would be like when India holds the next Olympics; Joke will be that the Americans eat millions of cows, but treat their dogs like children. When Australia holds the next Olympics, what will be the ‘attack’? Probably how the Australians treated the aborigines.

Excerpt of REAL Comment made by friend about me:- And … it’s nice to know that you are ever so outspoken, straightforward, nasty and sarcastic! Some people just can’t get used to that, isn’t it? But I know you’ll say, “F..k them” & you’ll continue to believe; will sing “I Did It My Way” song even till the very end of your life, right? …. we all certainly are used to you; can take your eccentric & effervescent & fearless personality (die, die lah kind of attitude).

Too long in the male dominated corporate world; having to work triple hard to proof myself equal to the next male? Real blame is to the fact that I have always worked under white men, who encourages open and frank discussions. But it is a no-no to tell an Asian boss that he is wrong!

I weep for the demise of my Chinese-ness! Ie. My rather stoic, expressionless chinese face. I forgot to act the demure ‘rather brainless’ docile, second class citizen of a female.
I forgot that I need to be ‘heard and not question’ as stated in Hebrew! Then again I don’t have a husband who will ‘chastise’ me! Ha ha! (Thank God for that).