Had a big do in my house. Thought I would use it as a subtle form of spreading Christmas cheer to the non-christian side of the family.
Great success re turnout, but terribly under - catered ie catered for 40 more than double turned up. Not my fault. Left the invites to my mum. Need to say thank you for the local satay man, Pakcik Ali - who served up an additional 100 sticks. Well, at least there are no left-overs!
Streets are wonderfully quiet. Three times a year, I get to enjoy the peace and quietness of KL my hometown; when all these 'foreigners' go away, back to their villages. No traffic jams and mad drivers on the street. I could even ride my bicycle, safely, all the way down to Petaling Street, like I used to eons ago.
Great success re turnout, but terribly under - catered ie catered for 40 more than double turned up. Not my fault. Left the invites to my mum. Need to say thank you for the local satay man, Pakcik Ali - who served up an additional 100 sticks. Well, at least there are no left-overs!
Streets are wonderfully quiet. Three times a year, I get to enjoy the peace and quietness of KL my hometown; when all these 'foreigners' go away, back to their villages. No traffic jams and mad drivers on the street. I could even ride my bicycle, safely, all the way down to Petaling Street, like I used to eons ago.
Looks like I have to abandon plans of enjoying the last long weekend of 2008. Sigh! Have been summoned to travel in January 09. So I have just sorted out the materials for reading immediately. My last three!

Extremely grateful for arriving at the finishing line of 2008
Really looking forward, with Him by my side, to a Blessed 2009 .