As usual, the first two days of CNY has always been stressful and very busy.
Yes, we did our duties in visiting all the elders of the family. The only fortunate thing is - all our relatives stay in our 'KL-Village'; and traffic was soooo.... smooth and clear! Yup, I am still shamelessly picking up my normal RM of Ang Pows!
However, in the last 365 days, we have lost one elder; and the rest of the elders are getting older with one or two more infirmities creeping up on them.
And the Gen Z's - they have grown literally by leap and bounds. They are all taller than me by at least a head! Yes, I am a grand-aunt! This is because the less educated one is, the earlier one jumps into marriage. Poverty is a viscious cycle! Education to the chinese race is the only way out!
Mum cooked loads of food as usual, for the relatives and her students. Not forgetting our afamous Hakka cha-chee-yuk. It is now a standing joke - "We all come once a year for it" and then proceed to comparing notes on how many years they have been doing it. We all agree on one thing. It is now no longer as tasty as before. My mum's take on it is - we cannot use belly-pork any more, lean meat is healthier! But the beauty of this particular dish is the contrast of biting into soft, oozing pork FAT and lean meat!!!
In this period of celebration, using CNY as a bench mark, we should take a moment to remember that time is passing by us and there is nothing we could do about it. My mum is extremely grateful that she saw another year. She suffered from a collapsed lumbar-five, after a snatch and run robbery, May 08 - "I never thought I see another CNY and be walking again"!
So let us eat and let live!
We will go back to our smoothies and diet after this!
My work is now my hobby; which pays for my time and job studying theology. What a wonderful and blessed thought.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
mild jungle in Gopeng
Today is the third day of the chinese new year! In a couple of hours, we will be leaving for Gopeng, where we will participate in white water rafting and a couple of jungle walks. Except it is much milder and we are well taken care of with 5 meals a day.
I am looking forward to it. Why?
a. over the years, I find that pitching our physical ability with nature, especially if there are mishaps, is a good preparation and therapy for the rat race. If one have had survived a capsize in the Kuala Lipis river, walked in a dark moonless night, not knowing where one's next step one is taking you - surviving the sticks and rocks thrown at you in the corporate world is peanuts.
b. well, this trip will be mild by comparison as we are bringing our Gen Z with us this time. They are growing up too fast. I know they enjoy going out with their uncles and this aunt who are so unconventional. But such trips have had brought us very very close. I sure hope to inculcate the love of nature verses the modern day outings to shopping complexes, which is now sadly so endemic of our middle-classes!
Lord, we say a prayer for journey mercies and fellowship!
I am looking forward to it. Why?
a. over the years, I find that pitching our physical ability with nature, especially if there are mishaps, is a good preparation and therapy for the rat race. If one have had survived a capsize in the Kuala Lipis river, walked in a dark moonless night, not knowing where one's next step one is taking you - surviving the sticks and rocks thrown at you in the corporate world is peanuts.
b. well, this trip will be mild by comparison as we are bringing our Gen Z with us this time. They are growing up too fast. I know they enjoy going out with their uncles and this aunt who are so unconventional. But such trips have had brought us very very close. I sure hope to inculcate the love of nature verses the modern day outings to shopping complexes, which is now sadly so endemic of our middle-classes!
Lord, we say a prayer for journey mercies and fellowship!
new hymns
Yes, I am playing catch up again.
Woahhhh.... someone's being reading my blog!
To this special someone:-
Please do know, I love the hymns that I have had been taught todate!
But Praise the Lord indeed, for teaching us new ones! Yes, we are being taught new HYMNs!
Hence, for this little 'episode' I wish to say thank you!-
(like the Emmy Awards winners)
I thank you Lord,
for the courage, to write what I think!
I thank you Lord,
for YOUR people, in whom YOU have placed me with!
I thank you Lord,
for all the blessings YOU have had and will bestow upon me!
Woahhhh.... someone's being reading my blog!
To this special someone:-
Please do know, I love the hymns that I have had been taught todate!
But Praise the Lord indeed, for teaching us new ones! Yes, we are being taught new HYMNs!
Hence, for this little 'episode' I wish to say thank you!-
(like the Emmy Awards winners)
I thank you Lord,
for the courage, to write what I think!
I thank you Lord,
for YOUR people, in whom YOU have placed me with!
I thank you Lord,
for all the blessings YOU have had and will bestow upon me!
week 4
Though this is a bit late, I still need to record this week. Week4 (19th to 23rd Jan) of 2009, as a run up of this year's CNY has been most hectic I have ever experienced in all my working life.
It is hectic, as we try to close for the month. It was hectic because we need to pack and deliver half a million RM worth of goods in three days. It is hectic because we have to 'close' so many last minute requests for additional promotions for the forthcoming months up to April. Sigh, we are all self-prophetic doomers!
It was hectic because 's---' , in writing this, I just remembered I missed out one rather important mail. At least I promised to send it off by 23rd!
Last but not least, it was hectic, because I have to answer a total of 20mails from my boss per day! It is indeed a record as it is not just answer and reply but includes anaylsis of figures.
What is all these hectic-ness in aid of? Sigh! just another one of those forthcoming yearly extremely not nice negotiations. Does not help if making one decision always involves - how does the total picture looks. You know - move one checker and the rest will be affected? And of course, it can't wait as meeting has to be immediately after this CNY break!
In retrospect, hOnestly, Lord, I did not think of you in all these hectic-ness.
Belated as it is, I whisper my prayer of thanksgiving, for being with me! Be my Lamp upon my feet, in the coming days!
It is hectic, as we try to close for the month. It was hectic because we need to pack and deliver half a million RM worth of goods in three days. It is hectic because we have to 'close' so many last minute requests for additional promotions for the forthcoming months up to April. Sigh, we are all self-prophetic doomers!
It was hectic because 's---' , in writing this, I just remembered I missed out one rather important mail. At least I promised to send it off by 23rd!
Last but not least, it was hectic, because I have to answer a total of 20mails from my boss per day! It is indeed a record as it is not just answer and reply but includes anaylsis of figures.
What is all these hectic-ness in aid of? Sigh! just another one of those forthcoming yearly extremely not nice negotiations. Does not help if making one decision always involves - how does the total picture looks. You know - move one checker and the rest will be affected? And of course, it can't wait as meeting has to be immediately after this CNY break!
In retrospect, hOnestly, Lord, I did not think of you in all these hectic-ness.
Belated as it is, I whisper my prayer of thanksgiving, for being with me! Be my Lamp upon my feet, in the coming days!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
the year ahead...
Boy oh boy! If these 20days into the year is a reflection of what is ahead, it will not be good for many of us. Two days into this week, we were deluge with requests for more and more promotions - buy one free one, buy second for 50% etc. This is inaddition to the regular best buys dished out to date!
Yes, we are innudated daily with news of the downside of world economy. If we are all so negative, we will surely live down this self-prophetic doom! Is there nothing positive out there?
Afterall our parents live through the 2nd world war, the depressions, the 70's, 80's and the 90's and now!
Historically, what is happening now is just another cycle where things the economy etc needs to right itself! It is also what the Taoist believe ie there will be a 'change' at the turn of the decade! This is 2009! Next year is 2010. True or not, we will have a new prime minister in March and the US new president, Barrack Obama is inaugurated to day!
Right - Calm down, calm down! It is not the end of the world yet. At least I believe it will not be within my life time!
Yes, we are innudated daily with news of the downside of world economy. If we are all so negative, we will surely live down this self-prophetic doom! Is there nothing positive out there?
Afterall our parents live through the 2nd world war, the depressions, the 70's, 80's and the 90's and now!
Historically, what is happening now is just another cycle where things the economy etc needs to right itself! It is also what the Taoist believe ie there will be a 'change' at the turn of the decade! This is 2009! Next year is 2010. True or not, we will have a new prime minister in March and the US new president, Barrack Obama is inaugurated to day!
Right - Calm down, calm down! It is not the end of the world yet. At least I believe it will not be within my life time!
Friday, January 16, 2009
We had dinner last night. We as in aspiring theology students.
Dinner was good. The laugh was even better! Overall, the fellowship is great.
Yes, it was only some of us. (Apologise, we only called some).
Sad it may be, yet even within us Christians, we cannot escape the discrimination of we and the 'different other'. There is always this group mentality about who one could be more open with re subject matters, and can tolerate more liberal views or at least those who speak our own langauge. It also mean, those we could not possibly stumble.
If it is an ideal world, we could all speak plainly. But the world would have been boring with less conflicts and mystery.
During the first Century, even Jesus had to speak in parables. If He did not, then we would not have to worry about what the historical Jesus meant. Yup, I am attempting to finish the first round on Parables before CNY!!!
I thank God for the inspiring fellowship from fellow sufferers!
Dinner was good. The laugh was even better! Overall, the fellowship is great.
Yes, it was only some of us. (Apologise, we only called some).
Sad it may be, yet even within us Christians, we cannot escape the discrimination of we and the 'different other'. There is always this group mentality about who one could be more open with re subject matters, and can tolerate more liberal views or at least those who speak our own langauge. It also mean, those we could not possibly stumble.
If it is an ideal world, we could all speak plainly. But the world would have been boring with less conflicts and mystery.
During the first Century, even Jesus had to speak in parables. If He did not, then we would not have to worry about what the historical Jesus meant. Yup, I am attempting to finish the first round on Parables before CNY!!!
I thank God for the inspiring fellowship from fellow sufferers!
Monday, January 12, 2009
weight of silence
Right, I had a tiff last week. So today being Monday, I have decided not to do any walk-about but really sit and finish my 'paper-work', especially with the long CNY break coming up!
Boy oh boy! one could literally touch the silence in the office.
So it reminded and dawned on me:-
Meanwhile let us all stew in our own juice. It is actually good for our soul, sometimes.
Otherwise we will not appreciate nor reflect upon the sound of silence!
Boy oh boy! one could literally touch the silence in the office.
So it reminded and dawned on me:-
- how true it is to 'guard our tongue'...
- how silence could be a 'dead-weight' ..
- that silence speaks much more than actions..
- silence definitely does not give opportunities for the bad to wrought further damage?
- nor the good to right a wrong..
- that I was the life-wire of the party ???... he hee he!
- Okay the opposite of silence is communication.
Meanwhile let us all stew in our own juice. It is actually good for our soul, sometimes.
Otherwise we will not appreciate nor reflect upon the sound of silence!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Gen Y
okay found the article and link on Gen Y.
Gen Y - the twentysomething.
The generation that is missing from our church.
Or rather if they are attending any church, they prefer the big and modern ones?
This round of economic crisis will be their first test in life. However, they are better off than their parents. There will be a home to stay in and lots of computer software to keep them occupied.
Gen Y - the twentysomething.
The generation that is missing from our church.
Or rather if they are attending any church, they prefer the big and modern ones?
This round of economic crisis will be their first test in life. However, they are better off than their parents. There will be a home to stay in and lots of computer software to keep them occupied.
Friday, January 9, 2009
helicopter view
I had hoped for a rather quiet first week at work. Of course it will not be. Why wouldn't one take a step backwards and take a helicopter point of view? Instead we run around like a headless chicken, reacting or jumping at one conclusion!
One is told not to just look 'at' the parables of the Gospel (or problem?) but 'through' them as well (to solve it!) - JW Sider, Rediscovering the parables, the Logic of the Jeremias Tradition, JBL 102/1, 1983.
It is refreshing to read that one must interpret Parables in their historical setting ie original Sitz im Leben; before we ask what it means to us today. According to C H Dodd, we must first ask what does the parable mean and its application for Jesus' audience in the first century, when it was uttered by Jesus during his ministry. Within this historical setting, to A Hunter, there is a double setting. The secondary one is in the life of the early church.
Why are some parables recorded in one Gospel and not the other? It is in keeping with the character of the Gospel. Of utmost importance: it is directed by the Holy Spirit. (M L Bailey, Guidelines for Interpreting Jesus' Parables, BS 155, 1998)
So too is our life! It sure is no co-incidence what I am directed to read.
One is told not to just look 'at' the parables of the Gospel (or problem?) but 'through' them as well (to solve it!) - JW Sider, Rediscovering the parables, the Logic of the Jeremias Tradition, JBL 102/1, 1983.
It is refreshing to read that one must interpret Parables in their historical setting ie original Sitz im Leben; before we ask what it means to us today. According to C H Dodd, we must first ask what does the parable mean and its application for Jesus' audience in the first century, when it was uttered by Jesus during his ministry. Within this historical setting, to A Hunter, there is a double setting. The secondary one is in the life of the early church.
Why are some parables recorded in one Gospel and not the other? It is in keeping with the character of the Gospel. Of utmost importance: it is directed by the Holy Spirit. (M L Bailey, Guidelines for Interpreting Jesus' Parables, BS 155, 1998)
So too is our life! It sure is no co-incidence what I am directed to read.
We neither know nor judge ourselves, others may judge but cannot know us. God alone judges and knows us
- Willie Collins (1824 - 1889).
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Dream holidays...
These are photos taken by a friend who visited Switzerland over the Christmas hols.
Though one is not there, looking at the photos, one does feel as if one is there too..

Though one is not there, looking at the photos, one does feel as if one is there too..
It does makes me feel claustrophobic .... sitting in my office..
Monday, January 5, 2009
hats off to ... theologians..
oh! but to join me in my mirth..
First thing in the morning, I had a mail from a classmate who "wished me a blessed new year, with a new resolution to finish MDiv within the next three years"!!! Of course that started my day with a smile; and an immediate denial. I have no resolution. Even if I have had made any, that would be not be it! Neither do I need such pressure, on the 'first' day of the year!
Meanwhile, yup I am sitting in the office and supposed to be commencing my 2009 work. In reality and out of curiosity, I found the book from the free Judaic Online Library, A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ (in 5 vols.) by Emil Schurer, D.D., M.A. Thanks to the Reb and Dr Mariottini!
As I 'multi-tasked' between reading online and doing a report, I can't help smiling:-
ps. incidentally I was told off for such indecisiveness - "what are you waiting for? the Burning Bush?" -_-
First thing in the morning, I had a mail from a classmate who "wished me a blessed new year, with a new resolution to finish MDiv within the next three years"!!! Of course that started my day with a smile; and an immediate denial. I have no resolution. Even if I have had made any, that would be not be it! Neither do I need such pressure, on the 'first' day of the year!
Meanwhile, yup I am sitting in the office and supposed to be commencing my 2009 work. In reality and out of curiosity, I found the book from the free Judaic Online Library, A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ (in 5 vols.) by Emil Schurer, D.D., M.A. Thanks to the Reb and Dr Mariottini!
As I 'multi-tasked' between reading online and doing a report, I can't help smiling:-
- I laugh at a statement I once made - the more I read the more I realised how little I know. How true this has proved to be ... daily..
- I laugh with shame, as I realised how shallow my past assignments had been..
- I laugh at the thought and audacity of even contemplating furthering my studies ..
I take my hat off, to the past and current theologians, for such brillance, intellect and perserverance :
- I particularly say 'kudos' to all who intend to or achieve their PHD in theology...
- I thank God for all the Christian saints who made His literature available to us, free and online ..
- Last but not least I thank my classmates' for their encouragement and their faith in me.
ps. incidentally I was told off for such indecisiveness - "what are you waiting for? the Burning Bush?" -_-
the thinker

Tomorrow, or later today, we start the year proper, at work and in school.
I was watching my youngest nephew try on his 'new' form three long pants; which the maid has frantically tried to shorten from the elder brother's pants, at the eleventh hour. Sigh! our generation inherit our elders books and pants; but why, we do not need to do that any more for Gen Z. Guess it is one of those many contradictions we are having - like sending him to Outbound School, as we have no time to teach him ourselves?
Yes, it is a sobering thought. Hence I think 'The Thinker' - which depicts a man in sober meditation, is rather appropriate for 2009.
The Thinker was sculptured by Auguste Rodin, 1902. It is made of Bronze and Marble, displayed at Musee Rodin in Paris. Originally named The Poet, The Thinker was originally meant to depict Dante (from the Comedy of the Divine) in front of the Gates of Hell, pondering his great poem. The sculpture is nude, as Rodin wanted a heroic figure in the tradition of Michelango, to represent intellect as well as poetry. (from Wikipedia).
Saturday, January 3, 2009
its a new year...
Yes, it's a new year.... and inspite of the slight hang-over etc, it has been a fruitful day...
First, I have cleaned out my wardrobe today; away with the 'old fashioned' and in with the 'new'. Well, it is not exactly new or old... just that I finally summed up my courage and threw away the three piece suits of yesteryear. Guess it is also the final act of acceptance that I have had enough of what it represents. But I still have the issue of branded handbags etc. which I am not willing to let that go quite yet. One day, one day! It's not as if I am going into the monastary... may be a garage sales eventually!
Then, my garden. It is amazing how much life, the raining season has given to the plants. Well, I have trimmed it, and with the 'dry' season coming, it should look neat for a while. Repotted the roses and orchids and even have a vegetable plot going. There are the five four-cornered-bean plants; neighbour gave me 'kow-kee choy' and mum the 'chan-choy'. That should be keep me well supplied with greens, over the next few months, when I will have to live off quick meals and gallons of coffee!
Incidentally , do you know what else happens in my garden? The greatest love story on earth!
......He speaks, and the sound of His voice is so sweet
the birds hush their singing,
and the melody that He gave to me within my heart is ringing:
And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
and He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known....
(In the Garden - UMH 314)
First, I have cleaned out my wardrobe today; away with the 'old fashioned' and in with the 'new'. Well, it is not exactly new or old... just that I finally summed up my courage and threw away the three piece suits of yesteryear. Guess it is also the final act of acceptance that I have had enough of what it represents. But I still have the issue of branded handbags etc. which I am not willing to let that go quite yet. One day, one day! It's not as if I am going into the monastary... may be a garage sales eventually!
Then, my garden. It is amazing how much life, the raining season has given to the plants. Well, I have trimmed it, and with the 'dry' season coming, it should look neat for a while. Repotted the roses and orchids and even have a vegetable plot going. There are the five four-cornered-bean plants; neighbour gave me 'kow-kee choy' and mum the 'chan-choy'. That should be keep me well supplied with greens, over the next few months, when I will have to live off quick meals and gallons of coffee!
Incidentally , do you know what else happens in my garden? The greatest love story on earth!
......He speaks, and the sound of His voice is so sweet
the birds hush their singing,
and the melody that He gave to me within my heart is ringing:
And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
and He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known....
(In the Garden - UMH 314)
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