First and foremost - some one quoted to my face Che Guvera. Hei, I know him you know! Once upon a time, during my college days, far far away, the last thing I see, every night, is a poster of his face right across my bed. But Che and those memories belong to yester-years.
From then till today, I belonged to a generation that benefited from “the processes of globalization and the ‘high-tech’ modernisation associated particularly with the governments of Mahathir are increasingly being seen as the main drivers of identity reformulation in Malaysia, particularly amongst the Malays”. (Graham K Brown, The formation and management of political identities: Malaysia and Indonesia compared, Centre for Research; on inequality, human security and ethnicity, CRISE, Queen Elisabeth House, University of Oxford, www.crise.ox.ac.uk/pubs/workingpaper10.pdf)
Though we benefitted economically, politically, most of our generation are (I am) ostriches, with our head in the sand. Maybe I have had been mixing with the wrong crowd. At least my crowd do not mention Che's name, neither do I talk about Che in my very middle class, middle aged crowd. So don't you think we should celebrate that there are 'young' Anak Bangsa Malaysia who knows Ernesto Che Guevera?
Yes, the Perak State government is still in a bit of a shambles. Give it time. Have faith! Be vocal if nothing else; because we cannot let history repeats itself!
Meanwhile 40years down the road, don't you think:
- We must recognise that it is not quite so convenient to slap the ISA down our throat.
- We must celebrate that there are 'mighty man' in Malaysia who would risk political, economic and personal freedom.
- We must celebrate that we are maturing politically as a country.
For those who don't know him, it is with great pleasure I attach
Ernesto Che Guevera here:-