Honestly a little patch of green does a lot. Under my patch of a Henna tree, hibiscus bush and a Surinam Cherry (Eugenia uniflora); I could grow ferns and even temperate plants like Azalea and tea-roses, in an equatorial climate. That should proof to any one that trees are necessary?
This is how a Surinam Cherry looks like. The family of Tree Shrew (yup, there is a family of them) loves it! In fact they ate most of it, before I could have any!

Needless to say, renovation affects my 'space' too. The back roof is leaking, it has not happened before. Cleared a bucket of sand and gravel from the drain. My pots and plants were cemented literally! Hence I have spent the weekend clearing the drain and re-potting! Not complaining as it was good physical exercise. Got any and every dormant sweat glands working as I was totally drenched after that.
My rather elderly, toothless gardener came and mowed my little patch of 'lawn'. Actually I was contemplating replanting the cow-grass to the taiwnese-grass. Don't have to worry about mowing, with the latter. However, the thought of a monthly, toothless smile has delayed me doing it. Moreover, he needs the money!
The raining season is upon us. So took the opportunity to trim the trees and bushes too! They would sprout quite quickly with the amount of rain water we will get.
That's it! We are now ready for the festivities and the brand new year of 2010!