Over the weekend, the weather has been really hot.
Even the 'tangi' or tap water was so heated up. So my brother was commiserating over how we need cold showers. The best way to get 'cold' water was well water, or water stored in tempayans. Tempayans are earthen jars. So Loong delivered one to my house.
And yesterday was a historic day. I had a back to basic shower and cold one too!
Remember the old day when we do not have piped water? We have to pour a bucket full of water over our head. The water would be so cold and a shock to our system that it is generally followed by a 'scream' and some jumping on the spot? This would be followed by two or three buckets before we apply the soap? Yes, it was great feeling.
We also have lost the physical exercise which comes along with it. We are so spoilt nowadays! No wonder there are so many cancer cases nowadays!
My work is now my hobby; which pays for my time and job studying theology. What a wonderful and blessed thought.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
my islamic sisters
Amidst all the recent religious ho-ha's, we have yet another publicity stun by a Muslim Male. One wonders whether he knows that he is speaking against his own race, ie the female Malay population. Or is it part of the overzealous Islamic male who wishes to put his fellow Islamic females down.
Though no one speaks of it, it is a known fact that our Islamic female Malays are proving to earn their keeps in the academic field. Here I would like to quote a friend. He was attending a seminar. Of the 10 PHD's present, 8 are females. This is also literally represented by the amount of government 'jobs' being handled by them; if we now venture into any government offices.
However, all is not in vain. Though I have never been at all impressed with the MCA or Gerakan Party, I have to give credit to them for 'helping' if not standing up for their Islamic Sisters. Looks like the 'women' of Malaysia is very aware of what is happening; though they may have left the 'political' situations to the men!
Below is article copied from StarOnline.
Published: Tuesday February 23, 2010 MYT 8:56:00 PM
Women’s leaders slam Cuepacs chief’s sexist remark
PETALING JAYA: Wanita MCA and Wanita Gerakan are appalled by the gender-biased statement by Cuepacs secretary-general Ahmad Shah Mohd Zin, who complained about the upward trend of female employees in the civil service, as well as his alleged complete misreading of government policy on the issue.
Wanita MCA chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said Ahmad Shah’s condescending and chauvinistic statement demonstrated sheer disregard and disrespect for women and their contribution to nation-building.
She said it also reflected an utter lack of understanding of the actual state of female representation in decision-making positions and the implications of gender dynamics.
“It is shocking for a leader of an organisation which represents civil servants to express such a blatant gender-biased position,” she said in a statement Tuesday.
Chew was responding to reports about remarks by Ahmad Shah expressing concern over the increasing female profile in the civil service, saying it would have long-term implications on the progress and growth of the nation.
He was also quoted as saying that women civil servants tended to be inflexible and rigid, and thus were unable to provide effective and friendly service, besides their need to go on long leave after giving birth.
Chew said Ahmad Shah’s inaccurate statement showed sheer disrespect for the Government’s intention of increasing women’s participation in decision-making in Government institutions and public administration bodies.
“The Government’s efforts in achieving at least 30% of women in decision-making (positions) would be futile if such gender-biased mindsets continue to permeate society,” she said.
Chew said that Ahmad Shah did not fully comprehend the national policy.
The Cuepacs secretary-general had said that almost three quarters of new posts in the administrative and diplomatic service were being filled by women, claiming that this was “contrary to the present government policy to reserve only 30% of decision-making posts for women.”
The actual government policy is to have women in at least 30% of decision-making posts.
Chew said Ahmad Shah’s inaccurate statement was tantamount to “sheer disrespect towards the Government ... and its international pledge to the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action to ensure women’s equal access to and full participation in decision-making in government bodies and public administration entities.”
She noted that according to Gender Gap Index 2009, Malaysia’s overall rank had dropped to 101 last year from 96 in 2008.
Echoing Chew’s sentiment, Wanita Gerakan deputy chief Ng Siew Lai said it was wrong for Ahmad Shah to question or worry about too many females in the civil service.
“We should not worry too much about the current dominance of female employees in the civil service. This is the nature of progress of society. However, we must also take measures to encourage males to become civil servants,” Ng said.
Yes! we may just see the silent majority that will emerge one day!
Though no one speaks of it, it is a known fact that our Islamic female Malays are proving to earn their keeps in the academic field. Here I would like to quote a friend. He was attending a seminar. Of the 10 PHD's present, 8 are females. This is also literally represented by the amount of government 'jobs' being handled by them; if we now venture into any government offices.
However, all is not in vain. Though I have never been at all impressed with the MCA or Gerakan Party, I have to give credit to them for 'helping' if not standing up for their Islamic Sisters. Looks like the 'women' of Malaysia is very aware of what is happening; though they may have left the 'political' situations to the men!
Below is article copied from StarOnline.
Published: Tuesday February 23, 2010 MYT 8:56:00 PM
Women’s leaders slam Cuepacs chief’s sexist remark
PETALING JAYA: Wanita MCA and Wanita Gerakan are appalled by the gender-biased statement by Cuepacs secretary-general Ahmad Shah Mohd Zin, who complained about the upward trend of female employees in the civil service, as well as his alleged complete misreading of government policy on the issue.
Wanita MCA chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said Ahmad Shah’s condescending and chauvinistic statement demonstrated sheer disregard and disrespect for women and their contribution to nation-building.
She said it also reflected an utter lack of understanding of the actual state of female representation in decision-making positions and the implications of gender dynamics.
“It is shocking for a leader of an organisation which represents civil servants to express such a blatant gender-biased position,” she said in a statement Tuesday.
Chew was responding to reports about remarks by Ahmad Shah expressing concern over the increasing female profile in the civil service, saying it would have long-term implications on the progress and growth of the nation.
He was also quoted as saying that women civil servants tended to be inflexible and rigid, and thus were unable to provide effective and friendly service, besides their need to go on long leave after giving birth.
Chew said Ahmad Shah’s inaccurate statement showed sheer disrespect for the Government’s intention of increasing women’s participation in decision-making in Government institutions and public administration bodies.
“The Government’s efforts in achieving at least 30% of women in decision-making (positions) would be futile if such gender-biased mindsets continue to permeate society,” she said.
Chew said that Ahmad Shah did not fully comprehend the national policy.
The Cuepacs secretary-general had said that almost three quarters of new posts in the administrative and diplomatic service were being filled by women, claiming that this was “contrary to the present government policy to reserve only 30% of decision-making posts for women.”
The actual government policy is to have women in at least 30% of decision-making posts.
Chew said Ahmad Shah’s inaccurate statement was tantamount to “sheer disrespect towards the Government ... and its international pledge to the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action to ensure women’s equal access to and full participation in decision-making in government bodies and public administration entities.”
She noted that according to Gender Gap Index 2009, Malaysia’s overall rank had dropped to 101 last year from 96 in 2008.
Echoing Chew’s sentiment, Wanita Gerakan deputy chief Ng Siew Lai said it was wrong for Ahmad Shah to question or worry about too many females in the civil service.
“We should not worry too much about the current dominance of female employees in the civil service. This is the nature of progress of society. However, we must also take measures to encourage males to become civil servants,” Ng said.
Yes! we may just see the silent majority that will emerge one day!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
CNY 2010 ... gimmel, resh and yod...
Oh! talking about surfing facebook and virtual farming! Not all is bad or a total waste of time you know. Though I have not been spending any time 'studying', I did have had some 'lessons'.
I actually found Greek and Hebrew 'neighbours'. So I tried to 'read'.
As far as Greek is concerned, I am totally lost and Greek is still totally Greek to me! For one, we learnt and use small alphabets mostly in elementary Biblical Greek. So sight-reading or recognization of the Greek alphabets takes time. Saving grace is I could recognise a greek word, without knowing it. However, curiosity is enough for me to find out why modern Greek, at least the computerised Greek are all in Capitals.
On the other hand, though it is very early days in our Hebrew lectures, I could recognise the Hebrew alphabets almost immediately. I mean, lo and behold, I could read the alphabets of a lady's first name - gimmel, resh, yod, transliterated as gry. But my delight is short lived. I have to confess that it is as far as I could go. We have just about learnt the vowels. Hence, I did enlarge the font size to ensure that I have not missed any dots and/or dashes ie the vowels. Yes, vowels are represented by dots and dashes. But there aren't any! Oh well, I would just have to be patient and persist.
See! virtual farms and computer games are educational! Don't pooh pooh things away, too easily.
I actually found Greek and Hebrew 'neighbours'. So I tried to 'read'.
As far as Greek is concerned, I am totally lost and Greek is still totally Greek to me! For one, we learnt and use small alphabets mostly in elementary Biblical Greek. So sight-reading or recognization of the Greek alphabets takes time. Saving grace is I could recognise a greek word, without knowing it. However, curiosity is enough for me to find out why modern Greek, at least the computerised Greek are all in Capitals.
On the other hand, though it is very early days in our Hebrew lectures, I could recognise the Hebrew alphabets almost immediately. I mean, lo and behold, I could read the alphabets of a lady's first name - gimmel, resh, yod, transliterated as gry. But my delight is short lived. I have to confess that it is as far as I could go. We have just about learnt the vowels. Hence, I did enlarge the font size to ensure that I have not missed any dots and/or dashes ie the vowels. Yes, vowels are represented by dots and dashes. But there aren't any! Oh well, I would just have to be patient and persist.
See! virtual farms and computer games are educational! Don't pooh pooh things away, too easily.
... CNY 2010 - technology
Time has flown. I was looking forward to two more days before we have to go back to reality and real life. Yes, it is that somber. Modern technology ie the computer with its emails have been flying back and forth. Looming ahead is some not so nice negotiations. It will be sorted out, eventually; games we have to play every year and just part of working life.
But I did have a great time for the last few days. Not terribly restful and found out a couple of things! So what happened? Did the normal duty of visiting the elders and relatives, picked up a few Ang Pows on the way. Yup, still unashamedly doing it.
Then I have a confession. I did not do any work ... oops!... I mean study! The rest of the time was spent on Facebook, farming away. But it is not all bad.
Had a more comprehensive insight on the type of people who play virtual farming. Classifying them into couple of groups of 'farmers' are:-
a. Honest farmers:- there are a group of folks who are obviously elderly; taught how to play by their children - to keep them occupied; and be in touch with the 'outside' world and their own children. They are honest folks, as they laboured away on their farm. These generally have less than a hundred 'friends'. But it soon grows as they learn more.
b. Street-wise farmers:- then there is a group, who are obviously 'young', as in not defined by age. These group are obviously IT literate, and have found ways to 'beat the system' or street-wise. In addition to the cursory farming, they spent as much time visiting their neighbours. This enables them to collect if not snatch points ie bonuses and gifts without having to labour much. They also collect 'friends' or neighbours like one would collect dust, and have from a thousand to four thousand neighbours.
Actually a more appropriate description of these group is 'pirates of the sky' or 'vultures of the web'. Many of the honest farmers are amazed as to why one's 'gifts' are snatched away within 5 seconds. One lady actually wrote and scolded them, on her wall. There are ways, of course, to stop such encroachment. Until the Honest farmers learnt of it, they are being exploited. Very much like real life. Meanwhile 'ignorance' is bliss'.
I believe that Farmville is making millions for Facebook or Zyxna. I am sure there is a 'counter' which collects the number of hits, every time one visits a neighour. Such hits would be sold to advertisers; not that many people actually have time to read the advertisements on the side.
Meanwhile, for the last few days, I have made use of and took advantage of such knowledge. Why farm so labouriously?
- Make use of what we know
- and/or take advantage of the position we are in,
- or be ignorant and be exploited.
All very much part of life, whether in an ordinary game of virtual farming, secular life or religious institution.
Not for me to judge. We just have to answer before HIM, when at the appropriate time!
But I did have a great time for the last few days. Not terribly restful and found out a couple of things! So what happened? Did the normal duty of visiting the elders and relatives, picked up a few Ang Pows on the way. Yup, still unashamedly doing it.
Then I have a confession. I did not do any work ... oops!... I mean study! The rest of the time was spent on Facebook, farming away. But it is not all bad.
Had a more comprehensive insight on the type of people who play virtual farming. Classifying them into couple of groups of 'farmers' are:-
a. Honest farmers:- there are a group of folks who are obviously elderly; taught how to play by their children - to keep them occupied; and be in touch with the 'outside' world and their own children. They are honest folks, as they laboured away on their farm. These generally have less than a hundred 'friends'. But it soon grows as they learn more.
b. Street-wise farmers:- then there is a group, who are obviously 'young', as in not defined by age. These group are obviously IT literate, and have found ways to 'beat the system' or street-wise. In addition to the cursory farming, they spent as much time visiting their neighbours. This enables them to collect if not snatch points ie bonuses and gifts without having to labour much. They also collect 'friends' or neighbours like one would collect dust, and have from a thousand to four thousand neighbours.
Actually a more appropriate description of these group is 'pirates of the sky' or 'vultures of the web'. Many of the honest farmers are amazed as to why one's 'gifts' are snatched away within 5 seconds. One lady actually wrote and scolded them, on her wall. There are ways, of course, to stop such encroachment. Until the Honest farmers learnt of it, they are being exploited. Very much like real life. Meanwhile 'ignorance' is bliss'.
I believe that Farmville is making millions for Facebook or Zyxna. I am sure there is a 'counter' which collects the number of hits, every time one visits a neighour. Such hits would be sold to advertisers; not that many people actually have time to read the advertisements on the side.
Meanwhile, for the last few days, I have made use of and took advantage of such knowledge. Why farm so labouriously?
- Make use of what we know
- and/or take advantage of the position we are in,
- or be ignorant and be exploited.
All very much part of life, whether in an ordinary game of virtual farming, secular life or religious institution.
Not for me to judge. We just have to answer before HIM, when at the appropriate time!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
of not so young birds and the bees...
It is immaterial whatever may be in-stowed for and ahead of us, we do need to take time-off. Hence we dressed up to the theme of 'bling-blings' and let our hair down. We have had a great time at a 'bee..ow..tehful' coming of age party!

The most memorable part, other than this really tasty cheese and lemon cake, were the songs played during the dancing session!

the young and not so young birds and bees gyrating

to HonkyTong woman, Black magic woman and Red Red Wine, the Hustle, the twists etc... remember??? if you don't you are definitely a very young bee!
The most memorable part, other than this really tasty cheese and lemon cake, were the songs played during the dancing session!
the young and not so young birds and bees gyrating
to HonkyTong woman, Black magic woman and Red Red Wine, the Hustle, the twists etc... remember??? if you don't you are definitely a very young bee!
CNY 2010 .... roar of the tiger...
We have started the Lunar New Year, with the roar of the golden tiger!
To me the roar, is represented by the heat that we are experiencing for the last three days! Though I have not been able to find any documented proof of the temperature, I seriously believe this must be the hottest ever! One could actually feel the sun scorching down on us, burning our skin. Then it would invariably be followed by a huge thunderstorm and rain.
Doubt it will get any better, with the Equinox approaching in the month of March. In case you don't remember, the Equinox is when the sun passes directly over the Equator; and we have equatorial climate. This is also a stark contrast with the news of severe winter storms that are belting down on the folks up North.
Coming back to the year of the tiger! There are a couple of hear-says. The first hearsay states that it is not a good year to get married. Why? Simply because the word tiger pronounced in some Chinese dialect means 'hardship' or 'foou'. Certainly, the one good thing we could look forward to is - there will not be so many wedding dinners to attend; hence unexpected out of pocket expenses. The last few months if not year has been incredible with the number of weddings we have all attended.
Then again if the experts are correct, the 'double dip' in the world economy may just happen and we will all have a very 'foou' of a time.
Neither should one have children, from the second hearsay. Children born in the year of the tiger may have the fierce nature of the tiger! I would have thought we definitely need to be or have the aggressive nature of the tiger, in order to achieve our goal, in view of the self-prophetic 'hardship/foou' period, isn't it? Wouldn't it not be is a necessity if not postive trait!
A center-piece of mandarin oranges and the golden tiger

To me the roar, is represented by the heat that we are experiencing for the last three days! Though I have not been able to find any documented proof of the temperature, I seriously believe this must be the hottest ever! One could actually feel the sun scorching down on us, burning our skin. Then it would invariably be followed by a huge thunderstorm and rain.
Doubt it will get any better, with the Equinox approaching in the month of March. In case you don't remember, the Equinox is when the sun passes directly over the Equator; and we have equatorial climate. This is also a stark contrast with the news of severe winter storms that are belting down on the folks up North.
Coming back to the year of the tiger! There are a couple of hear-says. The first hearsay states that it is not a good year to get married. Why? Simply because the word tiger pronounced in some Chinese dialect means 'hardship' or 'foou'. Certainly, the one good thing we could look forward to is - there will not be so many wedding dinners to attend; hence unexpected out of pocket expenses. The last few months if not year has been incredible with the number of weddings we have all attended.
Then again if the experts are correct, the 'double dip' in the world economy may just happen and we will all have a very 'foou' of a time.
Neither should one have children, from the second hearsay. Children born in the year of the tiger may have the fierce nature of the tiger! I would have thought we definitely need to be or have the aggressive nature of the tiger, in order to achieve our goal, in view of the self-prophetic 'hardship/foou' period, isn't it? Wouldn't it not be is a necessity if not postive trait!
A center-piece of mandarin oranges and the golden tiger
leaving the nest....
I started this with the title of 'letting go' but decided that 'leaving the nest' would be more appropriate.
We hear versions of this phrase - 'letting go' in most religion. In Buddhism it is 'not to be attached' to our material world, but to sought emptiness / nirvana. In Christianity, we are to live in this world, yet not attaching to it; and is assured of an eternal life.
But 'letting go' is humanely a difficult task.
What ever religion we believe in, all parents have to go through a more real and at hand situation of 'letting go'. This is especially so when it comes to what the chinese implies as 'of our bones and flesh'.
Today our family has just sent our eldest of the Y generation, Alex, to Australia for his further education. Though it is a positive situation and inevitable, and we can all rationalize about it, it is not easy.
Yup, for years, we have watched stood aside, watching Alex fall off the bicycle, hurt his knee and console his pain; literally and figuratively. It was just part of growing up. This time it was letting him go to take his first 'big' step into life - his own life. So though none of us shed a tear, 'letting go' is painful. Painful, as we know that the trials and tribulations ahead are many! We can only pray that we have set a solid enough foundation for him!
There is a positive view though! He is finally free! Away from the naggings of the grandma, mum and aunt! Free to make his fortune and carve his own life. For the moment his blessings are many! For he knows that the Lord is with him!
Three generations together!

We hear versions of this phrase - 'letting go' in most religion. In Buddhism it is 'not to be attached' to our material world, but to sought emptiness / nirvana. In Christianity, we are to live in this world, yet not attaching to it; and is assured of an eternal life.
But 'letting go' is humanely a difficult task.
What ever religion we believe in, all parents have to go through a more real and at hand situation of 'letting go'. This is especially so when it comes to what the chinese implies as 'of our bones and flesh'.
Today our family has just sent our eldest of the Y generation, Alex, to Australia for his further education. Though it is a positive situation and inevitable, and we can all rationalize about it, it is not easy.
Yup, for years, we have watched stood aside, watching Alex fall off the bicycle, hurt his knee and console his pain; literally and figuratively. It was just part of growing up. This time it was letting him go to take his first 'big' step into life - his own life. So though none of us shed a tear, 'letting go' is painful. Painful, as we know that the trials and tribulations ahead are many! We can only pray that we have set a solid enough foundation for him!
There is a positive view though! He is finally free! Away from the naggings of the grandma, mum and aunt! Free to make his fortune and carve his own life. For the moment his blessings are many! For he knows that the Lord is with him!
Three generations together!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
another day in paradise...
Well, there was a plan to do many things. But as usual, things get hijacked, and so did totally different things ....
Went for a funeral service in the morning. Don't know the person, but have to accompany and drive my mum! Obviously, we do such things for the living! Still I got to meet some cousins! Also met with a deacon I have not seen for 10years! Boy, have we not all aged!
Sat through a sermon of which I could hardly make out. I have nothing to complain about the content of the sermon as one could hardly hear what was being said. Think we should send all our 'young' pastors to public speaking courses! Correction! It should be 'Enunciate Courses'! Incidentally, I feel sorry for this man! Soon, if he does not improve himself, he will be massacred by his congregation! Fortunately though, most of the critical ones have left!
Then in the afternoon, took delivery of my lenovo ideapad! Actually expected delivery probably next month! Hope it will last me for the next four years! Played with it of course! Pretty good for $$$ - sleek and small enough to even stick it into my hand bag!
Oh, one more thing. Have to say the Microsoft Windows 7 is really good! Apparently it does not crash like the Vista! Loads of new features that I have to learn. How could one ever think that we are too old to learn.
Last but not least, when I started writing this, the tune of 'Another day in Paradise', by Phil Collins, keeps coming up! Have to confess, I was happy and flabbergasted in not doing what was planned! Think I know now the significance of the tune!
Chorus (of Another Day in Paradise):
think twice
think about it
it is just another day for you and me in paradise...
Went for a funeral service in the morning. Don't know the person, but have to accompany and drive my mum! Obviously, we do such things for the living! Still I got to meet some cousins! Also met with a deacon I have not seen for 10years! Boy, have we not all aged!
Sat through a sermon of which I could hardly make out. I have nothing to complain about the content of the sermon as one could hardly hear what was being said. Think we should send all our 'young' pastors to public speaking courses! Correction! It should be 'Enunciate Courses'! Incidentally, I feel sorry for this man! Soon, if he does not improve himself, he will be massacred by his congregation! Fortunately though, most of the critical ones have left!
Then in the afternoon, took delivery of my lenovo ideapad! Actually expected delivery probably next month! Hope it will last me for the next four years! Played with it of course! Pretty good for $$$ - sleek and small enough to even stick it into my hand bag!
Oh, one more thing. Have to say the Microsoft Windows 7 is really good! Apparently it does not crash like the Vista! Loads of new features that I have to learn. How could one ever think that we are too old to learn.
Last but not least, when I started writing this, the tune of 'Another day in Paradise', by Phil Collins, keeps coming up! Have to confess, I was happy and flabbergasted in not doing what was planned! Think I know now the significance of the tune!
Chorus (of Another Day in Paradise):
think twice
think about it
it is just another day for you and me in paradise...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
nothing to say....
I actually have nothing to say about all the things that are happening...
I have nothing to say about:-
- the political situation: It is so predictable. People in power trying to stay in power... the rest of us just get on with living.
- corruption: why blame the politicians? We have colleagues doing that!
- my h....w: have to really start studying. Found out that I have the lowest grade for Greek 2; and we are talking about a very respectable B-! Guess I am really among the 'stars' and not necessarily one of them!
- changing people: how to change people if we cannot change ourselves.
- standing up for what one believes or paid to do: I have felt so much hate from one and so much sorrow from another! Was told it is a blessing. I do not agree! I still believe what the Taoist said - 30% of our life is 'predestined' and the rest of the 70% is of our choice. So don't blame God or gods!
- work: it goes on. January was good. February is closed literally by tomorrow. CNY is the day after.
- leading or mentoring: charisma is not always good as much is expected of and very draining to one.
Am I getting more cynical? No! Just stunned, stumped and stupified! Probably just getting a bit tired at the games people choose to play. I guess I have been 'over-exposed' recently. All these festivities aren't very good! I need to go back for some hibernation. I am feeling stiffled again!
Reminds me of my ex-boss's advice!
"You are a race-horse. You sprint to and win at the finishing line. Be careful! remember to take a break."
I do look forward to the CNY break. Need to energize. But alas! it will be too short. There will be no more long break for the next six months. By which time, the end of 2010 will be within sight! Loads can happen. Some of us will make or break! Not a prophecy - just observing history repeating itself. Perhaps I should expand on the latter for my Church History reflection paper!
I have nothing to say about:-
- the political situation: It is so predictable. People in power trying to stay in power... the rest of us just get on with living.
- corruption: why blame the politicians? We have colleagues doing that!
- my h....w: have to really start studying. Found out that I have the lowest grade for Greek 2; and we are talking about a very respectable B-! Guess I am really among the 'stars' and not necessarily one of them!
- changing people: how to change people if we cannot change ourselves.
- standing up for what one believes or paid to do: I have felt so much hate from one and so much sorrow from another! Was told it is a blessing. I do not agree! I still believe what the Taoist said - 30% of our life is 'predestined' and the rest of the 70% is of our choice. So don't blame God or gods!
- work: it goes on. January was good. February is closed literally by tomorrow. CNY is the day after.
- leading or mentoring: charisma is not always good as much is expected of and very draining to one.
Am I getting more cynical? No! Just stunned, stumped and stupified! Probably just getting a bit tired at the games people choose to play. I guess I have been 'over-exposed' recently. All these festivities aren't very good! I need to go back for some hibernation. I am feeling stiffled again!
Reminds me of my ex-boss's advice!
"You are a race-horse. You sprint to and win at the finishing line. Be careful! remember to take a break."
I do look forward to the CNY break. Need to energize. But alas! it will be too short. There will be no more long break for the next six months. By which time, the end of 2010 will be within sight! Loads can happen. Some of us will make or break! Not a prophecy - just observing history repeating itself. Perhaps I should expand on the latter for my Church History reflection paper!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hanoi trip 13.... antiquitiy and others..
Beneath the openess in the name of tourism monies we were reminded of where we are...
This is the Russian Jeep that took us back from La Ca to Sapa and civilisation.

a government school...

flag right in the middle of the buffet table of the luxury junk at Halong Bay

Not a fair comparison as situation is different; But sure reminds me of the recent sms scare where we are to take out all symbols of our faith. We should not be subtle of who and what we are. Not an easy choice - survivor or martyr.
This is the Russian Jeep that took us back from La Ca to Sapa and civilisation.
a government school...
flag right in the middle of the buffet table of the luxury junk at Halong Bay
Not a fair comparison as situation is different; But sure reminds me of the recent sms scare where we are to take out all symbols of our faith. We should not be subtle of who and what we are. Not an easy choice - survivor or martyr.
hanoi trip 12.... motorbike taxi
I don't have photographs! But I could never forget the motorbike-taxi ride I have had.
Imagine this.
The terrain:- Road looks more like a dried out river bed full of rocks and pebbles.
Gradient of roads:- Mostly 45% gradient; up and or down.
The load or passengers:- other than the driver and I, there is our overnight backpack for three and two bags of provision.
The set-up:- our backpack was placed in front of and on top of the handlebars, between the drivers hand! Provisions was neatly packed in a box and securely tied to the back of the motorbike. I am wedged between the box and the driver!
My Ride:- As we traversed up and down the hill, I had my eye closed, praying for travel mercy. Talking to the villagers as we passed them, the driver was going slowly. He did the latter probably because I was pulling down on to his jacket for dear life. In retrospect, I could have strangled him and have transferred my fear.
Anyway the second part was most hilarous, now that I could talk about it! After we dropped off the first bag of provision, the driver threw away the box. Then he put the provision on top of the backpack. Only problem with this is - it was not secured. So after the first bend, I saw him, took his left hand off the handle-bars as the provision started to slide off. So for the rest of the journey, I transferred my hands from hanging on to the driver's jacket to holding on to the provision.
Through the rest of bends and winds of the mountainous 'streets of La Ca, Sapa' I was hanging on to a pear on my right hand, and a cabbage (not Savoy cabbage, mind you) on my left hand, with the drivers body wedged tightly between my arms.
Yes, it was a memorable journey, my motorbike-taxi ride! Heroic even, especially when I found out that it was our lunch that I have safe-guarded!
Would I do the whole Hanoi trip all over again? No question about it - a hearty Yes!
We need to get out of our boundaries of comfort and be reminded we are alive!
Foolhardy? No!
We are being tested every day. Though it may not be a physical danger in our comfort zone, we sometimes die upon our spiritual life, going through the motion of worship, without really seeking HIM!
Yes - very deep!
To what depth do we know HIM?
I am far from knowing HIM, and still with great shallowness!
Imagine this.
The terrain:- Road looks more like a dried out river bed full of rocks and pebbles.
Gradient of roads:- Mostly 45% gradient; up and or down.
The load or passengers:- other than the driver and I, there is our overnight backpack for three and two bags of provision.
The set-up:- our backpack was placed in front of and on top of the handlebars, between the drivers hand! Provisions was neatly packed in a box and securely tied to the back of the motorbike. I am wedged between the box and the driver!
My Ride:- As we traversed up and down the hill, I had my eye closed, praying for travel mercy. Talking to the villagers as we passed them, the driver was going slowly. He did the latter probably because I was pulling down on to his jacket for dear life. In retrospect, I could have strangled him and have transferred my fear.
Anyway the second part was most hilarous, now that I could talk about it! After we dropped off the first bag of provision, the driver threw away the box. Then he put the provision on top of the backpack. Only problem with this is - it was not secured. So after the first bend, I saw him, took his left hand off the handle-bars as the provision started to slide off. So for the rest of the journey, I transferred my hands from hanging on to the driver's jacket to holding on to the provision.
Through the rest of bends and winds of the mountainous 'streets of La Ca, Sapa' I was hanging on to a pear on my right hand, and a cabbage (not Savoy cabbage, mind you) on my left hand, with the drivers body wedged tightly between my arms.
Yes, it was a memorable journey, my motorbike-taxi ride! Heroic even, especially when I found out that it was our lunch that I have safe-guarded!
Would I do the whole Hanoi trip all over again? No question about it - a hearty Yes!
We need to get out of our boundaries of comfort and be reminded we are alive!
Foolhardy? No!
We are being tested every day. Though it may not be a physical danger in our comfort zone, we sometimes die upon our spiritual life, going through the motion of worship, without really seeking HIM!
Yes - very deep!
To what depth do we know HIM?
I am far from knowing HIM, and still with great shallowness!
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