We hear versions of this phrase - 'letting go' in most religion. In Buddhism it is 'not to be attached' to our material world, but to sought emptiness / nirvana. In Christianity, we are to live in this world, yet not attaching to it; and is assured of an eternal life.
But 'letting go' is humanely a difficult task.
What ever religion we believe in, all parents have to go through a more real and at hand situation of 'letting go'. This is especially so when it comes to what the chinese implies as 'of our bones and flesh'.
Today our family has just sent our eldest of the Y generation, Alex, to Australia for his further education. Though it is a positive situation and inevitable, and we can all rationalize about it, it is not easy.
Yup, for years, we have watched stood aside, watching Alex fall off the bicycle, hurt his knee and console his pain; literally and figuratively. It was just part of growing up. This time it was letting him go to take his first 'big' step into life - his own life. So though none of us shed a tear, 'letting go' is painful. Painful, as we know that the trials and tribulations ahead are many! We can only pray that we have set a solid enough foundation for him!
There is a positive view though! He is finally free! Away from the naggings of the grandma, mum and aunt! Free to make his fortune and carve his own life. For the moment his blessings are many! For he knows that the Lord is with him!
Three generations together!