Friday, November 28, 2008

Brewing away...

Often, we do not or may not want to be aware of what is brewing.
When it does explode, it is often painful and bloody...

On a daily basis, during a sunny morning, the sky brewed and poured rain upon us in the afternoon. So far it is predictable coz it is the north east monsoon.
On a personal basis, today, I just exploded in the office. After which, I spent the rest of the afternoon surfing the net. It's Friday anyway!
In Mumbai, in order to be heard, some mujahedins brewed for months, , before carrying out its bloody plans.
In Malaysia, our government is brewing about the economy. It is brewing, as we don't actively talk about it in the papers. But walk into restauarants, and the owner will tell you how bad it is.
So should we brew away? No, but we still do it anyway! We need to be consciously aware of the brewing! Otherwise we take it out on someone or something!
For one, I have visitors. They are the most lovely people I know. Selfishly, I look forward to them leaving tomorrow. I miss my space.

I miss the one 'companion that was so companionable as solitude'. (Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Celebrating Life

I have been rather bothered by the economy and trying to set an achieveable budget for 2009.
Today I visited my uncle and tomorrow I will be attending another wake service. Suddenly the economy and budget does not matter any more.

Though we know that death is the destiny of every man (Eccl 7:2); How do we, the living:-
  • look at death in the face literally?
  • talk or try to cheer a man who is in so much pain that death is actually a relief?
  • live with the forthcoming loss?
  • hold our tears back!
  • told them enough, that 'I love you'
So let us remember our Creator while we have life...
Let us do the only duty of man... fear God and keep his commandments...
Let us banish anxiety from our heart ...
Let us see the sun ... in everything we do ...
Let us ... celebrate life ... in the forthcoming days ....

(quotations from Ecclesiastes)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Structures in Life

The toss of the coin decided this title, as I was trying to decided between 'Academia Freedom' or 'Structures in Life'.

Below is another controversy in the horizon. In Malaysia, if I have the intelligence to come out with a book like below, I would have been held under ISA.

What is of significance, is that in the academia world, one is supposedly taught and encouraged to think. Academia freedom or just 'Freedom' however, is not as Free as one wishes it to be. Like it or not, there are rules and regulations to be followed in any 'structures' in society.

I do not know whether content is true or not. I am sure it is as controversial as the 'Da Vinci Code'. We can be assured, though, that somewhere, some one would now well be planning another jihad! Neither can we deny that it may be another CIA / Zionist supported propaganda. A couple of years down the road, if some brave film director get the copyright to the book, we may have some new millionaires.

Professor Hired for Outreach To Muslims Delivers a Jolt --- Islamic Theologian's Theory: It's Likely The Prophet Muhammad Never Existed November 15, 2008
(Copyright (c) 2008, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.). For full article:

German academics split. Michael Marx, a Quran scholar at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, warned that Prof. Kalisch's views would discredit German scholarship and make it difficult for German scholars to work in Muslim lands. But Ursula Spuler-Stegemann, an Islamic studies scholar at the University of Marburg, set up a Web site called solidaritymuhammadk and started an online petition of support.
Alarmed that a pioneering effort at Muslim outreach was only stoking antagonism, Munster University decided to douse the flames. Prof. Kalisch was told he could keep his professorship but must stop teaching Islam to future school teachers.
The professor says he's more determined than ever to keep probing his faith. He is finishing a book to explain his thoughts. It's in English instead of German because he wants to make a bigger impact. "I'm convinced that what I'm doing is necessary. There must be a free discussion of Islam," he says.
--- Almut Schoenfeld in Berlin contributed to this article. License this article from Dow Jones Reprint Service


Sunday, November 23, 2008

B's take on Gen Y

This is a friend's point of view re Gen Y. This is especially so for those of us, who are at the helm, trying to achieve company's objective. It is frustrating indeed!
I say we eliminate them from the face of the earth altogether
then we train gen z in camps all over the world to behave better
or be fed to the alligators
and the gen after that we can genetically modify them
to do as they're told
that will get rid of the problem
'bling to the people'
from Bs

Yes, it is so tempting. If only we could wipe the slate clean and start a whole new Gen Y....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gen Z and Ai-Dee-Ten-Tee

Okay I have a confession to make. I sort of learnt how to 'beautify' my blog because my nephews, who are in their early teens, gave me 'lessons' on it. Believe me there are more lessons lined up. I mean I have not picked up how to add the various types of skins, links, url... etc., etc., etc., yet.

Today, I received a mail which made me laugh and nearly fall off the chair! Hence, I just have to copy it here for 'eternity'......

I was having trouble with my computer.
So I called Richard, the 11 year old next door whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over. Richard clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away I called after him 'So, what was wrong?
He replied, 'It was an ID ten T error.'
I didn't want to appear stupid but nonetheless inquired, 'An ID ten T error? What's that? In case I need to fix it again.'
Richard grinned. 'Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?''
'No' I replied.'Write it down' he said 'and I think you'll figure it out.'
So I wrote down I D 1 0 T
I used to like the little shit.
:::::::::::::::::: End - writer unknown :::::::::::::::::::::
And You would have thought it is our generation who beget-ted them and the computer!
Fortunately, we still have our faculties and humility (?) to Learn new things!

Our Choice

I have spent quite a number of hours learning to 'beautify' my blog; and state what I have stated!

Then I received a mail, through a third party, purportedly written and Posted by Super Admin
Tuesday, 18 November 2008 11:13. Title of article is Tax-payer paid holiday for: .... the great Pretender to the throne, Najib Tun Razak, accompanied by aspiring 'First Lady' Rosmah, ... heading for a grand trip abroad the government's VIP Jet to the APEC meeting in Peru on 22-23 November. After the two-day meeting they will proceed for a week-long taxpayer-paid holiday in Washington DC, from 24 to 29 November to take advantage of the Thanksgiving holidays. This, as everyone knows, is the peak holiday shopping period in the US! The couple will therefore be making a great contribution to the recession-plagued US economy......

What is my reaction to such informations? Assuming this information, plus many others, are true:-

a. sitting alone in our armchair - there is this helpless anger! 'S..t' though I fall within the highest bracket of taxable income, like everything else, and there is nothing I could do about it!

b. then I tell myself that I really don't want to know. Infact I do not want to be innudated with so much information. Ignorance is (mostly) bliss!

c. Why ignorance? To quote what was said to me once - 'what is there to talk about if you can't do anything about it'? This statement also reminds me of a recent argument with a very good friend. She won't even exercise her one constitutional right to vote, as she believes that her one vote will not effect any change. You know we do have to agree that it is her constitutional right to think this way. Neither would I bother to quote here all those famous sayings - of how the bad trives because the good did nothing.

c. in actual fact, generations of us semuts have survived when the gajah's did what they did. Some semuts have even made it very rich!

So what is
i. my concluding thought: - It is our choice! A choice, we, Anak Malaysia, have made. So live with it!

ii. 'articulation of my inner-self':- 'Be Still Oh my soul! and know who is Lord'.

iii. my worldly self:- Actually (ii) helps to calm the dissonance of (i). We must believe Abraham Lincoln's statement - that we can bluff most people most of the time, but not all the people all the time! The only choice we are left with other than turning up at the odd candlelight vigil is to believe that we just have to 'wait upon the Lord'.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

tabula rasa, again!

Okay, I have checked out what 'Tabula rasa' means.
First - rosa, as in my previous mail is wrong in its spelling! Rosa in Latin means rose!

Then my little understanding of the statement - 'a blank sheet to an artist is like a tabula rasa for the Exiles'!

Wallah! According to Wikipeidia (
Tabula rasa in Latin means : blank slate.

It refers to the epistemological thesis that individual human beings are born with no built-in mental content, in a word, "blank", and that their entire resource of knowledge is built up gradually from their experiences and sensory perceptions of the outside world:-

In Western philosophy, traces of the idea that came to be called the tabula rasa appear as early as the writings of Aristotle, in the Western canon, his treatise Περι Ψυχης (De Anima or On the Soul). In the 13th century, St. Thomas Aquinas brought the Aristotelian and Avicennian notions to the forefront of Christian thought. In fact, our modern idea of the theory is mostly attributed to John Locke's expression of the idea in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding in the 17th century. As understood by Locke, tabula rasa meant that the mind of the individual was born "blank", and it also emphasized the individual's freedom to author his or her own soul. Each individual was free to define the content of his or her character - but his or her basic identity as a member of the human species cannot be so altered.

Look at the names and associations of the Christian fathers! Irony is : I thought I have moved on in life! I am brought back to the same 'clean slate' issue again. Oh well, every now and then , we are reminded that the Lord has his plan for us! This is scary! I can't run away from Him, as in having 'two life' - a compartmentalised one in the secular and another - a dabble in theology.

Three decades ago, when I read psychology as a major, I have always claimed to be a behaviourist, verses a Freudian psychologist. A behaviourist believes that all humans are born with a clean slate. Yes, our attitudes and behaviours are very much influenced by our parents, peers and society we live in. Over the years, I have also learnt that Taoism taught that man comes into this life with only 30% that is God-given. The rest of the 70% are what we make of it. Yes, we have a choice. A choice to 'get out of the rut', we are born with and in. According to the Bible, even God gives us a choice!

Back to the question - why is the Exile a tabula rasa for the Israelites? Well, they have sinned so badly that they need to be physically removed from their old ways? Like the artists with a blank sheet of paper before him, the Israelities Disaporas have a clean slate before them, starting anew, as slaves of the Babylonians, no longer the 'choice' children of God! Hard and painful, though deserving, lesson from God indeed!

So we study History to learn of the mistakes of our forefathers! Yup we learn the history! Do we avoid making the same mistakes? No, I really don't believe that we, as a human race, have. This is the cynical, secular chils speaking!

Then again, I must not forget the parable of the Wheat and the Tares! Daily, as an individual, I must not forget to consciously choose to be a Wheat; otherwise I will be burnt as a Tare!
Phew! What a thought!

Roast Goose

Oh! Well, I have been home for two days and have not written. Is being home, boring that I have nothing to say? On the Contrary! I have loads to say - just that reality and daily responsiblities are sometimes difficult and painful to express!

Having been away for about 10days, I came back and saw how 'old', the ‘older’ generation have become. I guess, we need to be away for a spell to realize it. I am glad that I bought and carted the roast goose etc. I was 10kg overweight, which I have had to hand carry! But I am glad that I have indulged my Dad! I called the Saturday night before and told my parents that I have bought a roast goose, siew nguk and char siew for Sunday night dinner. So my mum invited her brother and sister-in-law over too. Looking at the four old folks, I realized ‘really how old they have become’!

Getting old is not an easy thing. At 84, my Dad still drives the grandchildren to school. Stopping him, would hasten many things! At 84, he borrows books from the library at Chinese Assembly Hall, and reads the likes of the autobiography of Mao Tze Tung. He thinks I should adopt Mao's strategies of motiving my staff at work. Although it is at least 15years too late, I have spent at least 15minutes listening without rebutting! It is the time spent together, not the details which matters! But alas, his motorskill could no longer match his mental faculties. I dread to think of the day when it happens to us!

Over dinner, my Dad, still wants to ‘run the show’, giving directions to us etc. In addition, because he is deaf he was ‘shouting on top of his voice’. There are at least 16 of us, in the ‘small’ house! Imagine the commotion!

Beneath this ‘shouting and establishing his position’, the reality is his motor-faculty is so much slower. His nose-phlegm was running down his nose. He did not want to or probably did not realize it, to ask us for a tissue nor tried to wipe it off with his sleeve.

May I share that I could barely hold my tears back? I know that death is knocking at the door, just a matter of when. When I do pray, I dare not even ask for more days – just that God’s will be done! I only hope that I have done what I need to and I will have no regrets when it happens!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

tabula rosa?

I have just booked my hotel transfer to the airport. I will be getting a morning call at 5am! Transport leaving at 5.50am. Well, Guess i will not be sleeping. New mind! I have bought two new books. The one and only 'Hebrew for Dummies' on the shelf - have not opened it, but there is a CD; think I am the really dummy to have bought it.

The other book is 'Appreciating Modern Art'. Jim Thompson must have been a Christian, as many of his comments relates quite a bit to the Bible. Bloody Expensive! But thought it should be relevent for my Exile - Creative question!!!!!. Anyway I 'saw' this statement - a blank piece of paper to the artist is like a 'tabula rosa' to the Exiles! Don't know what it means Need to check out the meaning of 'tabula rosa'; think the lecturer mentioned the word, but I did not ask.

Had roast-goose-drumstick rice for dinner! The lady at the cashier counter have had to make such a racket that all the customers just have to look up at this person who pays HK$55.00 for a dinner! Ai yah!

Okay, bought a roast goose for HK$140.00 - it used to cost me HK$300.00 each. Anway, I hope it is not a roast duck paddled off as roast goose. I wouldn't have know any better! May be it is because I bought it from the Wan Chai Market! There is also the afamous siew ngok and char-siew! Think my dad is getting on now! It is about time, I should let him indulge; have not done that for the last two years! That's my excuse!

Friday, November 14, 2008

people mountain, people ocean

Went out to TsimShaTsui just now. I am so good... spent relatively little this trip. Will do a preliminary packing and see if I have space to pack a 'siew ngo' home for my dad for Sunday 16th dinner.
People mountain people ocean - as in the mandarin peribahasa. I just love to sit on the pavement and look at the numerous number of people walking pass. One really wonders where they are going, what they are thinking.

I had a thought. I will challenge the next person I meet who talks to me about mission. I will challenge them to talk about Christ 'in-this and to-this mountain and ocean of people'. I know it will not be easy. Stopping them in their tracks is already a challenge, nothwithstanding having to 'change their mind'. What a lot of praying for humans; what a lot of work for the Holy Spirit. In fact, it would seem so romantic to go on missions to some nepalese or african villages, who are in dire physical needs.

Did not blog last night; I could muster just about enough energy to clear my mail.
Not sure if it is age catching up, but it is so tiring to be on one's feet the whole day. After which we were invited to dinner by Hans and Britta. Well, a couple of things about dinner - we had cantonese at Royal Garden Chinese restuarant. Deep furrow on Han's brow when he have had to pay the bill. Must be bloody expensive. Sharks fin was not worth its price, peking duck's okay. We had a bottle of white and red wine from Chile. Incidentally Hans owes a vineyard at the French Italian border! To make up for the exhorbitant cost of the meal, my Boss promised to be number one in their clients list! What a tall order!

Okay, today is the last day of Cosmoprof. Our Manufacturer and shareholders have had a big cheshire-cat smile on his face. One would if one has just been on a spending/shopping spree; we are talking millions US$ here - bought a new machine!!! Oh well, it just means we will be conducting more clearance of old packaging and introduction of new ones! 2009 will be a busy one; and I really, really have to finish my assigmnets/MCS in the early part of the year!
Will be spending time with Yvonne tomorrow whilst Doc does his presentation.

Then it's home! Yeah! Baby!
I always love leaving for Hong Kong! I also love leaving Hong Kong too. It's great to go home to our snail-paced and 'still growing' nation!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Generation Gap

I had a right telling off by my friends. I am suppose to change my attitude otherwise i would not be able to transcend the generation Gap. What generation gap? It is not between my parents and me. But with the young executives that i am suppose to employ.

a. I am a Baby Boomer.
b. My friends in their 35-50 are from GEneration X
c. My 'assistants' in my office, if I wish to have one is from Generation Y - 21 to 34
d. My Nephews and nieces are from Generation Z - 20 and below.

Generation Y is a direct creation of the Baby Bloomers. Technically it is not my fault, since i have no kids. But our generation created them. Hence we either 'eliminate' or 'manage' them.

Got to read up before I write more over this issue, when I get home.

Snake Soup

I just have to record this:-

I had snake soup yesterday ... not that it taste great, but it is traditional.
Traditional as we must have snake soup, when the weather is just turning cooler, signifying end of autumn and beginning of Winter; from 28C over the weekend to 21C - 12th Nov 08. Is it any good? I mean the soup. Well it is no big deal; cause I could not recognise the snake meat - just the traditional black fungus and the msg which gives me a thirst.

Work? Tiring; as we walked the whole day. Anything new? Yup - baked eyeshadows and blush. Baked? Yes, the sheer, gloss looking ones. The appearance looks great; but the sheerness of the formula will not be popular. Hence it is a real cosmetic change for the cosmetics. Some nice looking packaging though.

Lunch - I had ox-tongue curry rice. Why? I ordered it because it was first on the list. I always feel hassled by these HongKees. They are always rushing around. Not that they are impatient just that they want you to eat and get out as fast as possible; so that they could serve and collect monies from the next lot of customers. This is called ROI of table space; after all, space is money in this space constrained island of Hong Kong!

Dinner today - first I have been looking for my nephew's favourite cow tendon's soup for the last two nights. For the life of me, I just could not find it, think rental is just too high and they have moved. However, I just can't give up as i love it too. So I asked the tan-tart man; who directed me to another store.

Did I enjoy my cow-tendon noodles? Like Lunch, again I feel so hassled. I was placed just infront of the door of the cooking place which leads to the rest of the shop. My table was vibrating as it was placed next to and touching the huge refrigerator. In front of me, the Boss was shouting at the top of his voice when ever a dish is prepared. Then his staff will take the food, with the tray and bowl literally flying/sailing over my head. So the longer I sat there, the lower I crouch. I must really learn to eat faster. But, but eating should never be rushed! Food should always be enjoyed! Still it was worth it, I mean the tendons and noodles I had.

Moral of the story - I must really watch out and exercise when I get home. Got to get back to my smoothies and clear the system. I seem to be eating so much of the gizzards and funny food, that I would not have been eating at home. Oh well, they are not available at home any way. ..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sacrilege and Exile!

Right i have left the country for 24hrs *3 now. So much have happened.
I forgot to bring my notebook. so i have to make this Brief as it cost me HK$25.00 per half hour.

a. Sacrilege? - it is so devastating to get an sms that the police charged a crowd when they were in the middle of singing the National Anthem! It is nothing short of sacrilege and great hyprocrisy, when one could be arrested under the ISA for making fun of the 'national anthem' and suggesting 'flying the national Flag upside down'.

b. Kept save? - this is the second time when I am away from the country, from such excitement and historical moment. One is the first Bersih rally and now this MPPJ saga. However, I was present at the recent coup in thailand.

c. Different class? Was with my ex-colleagues and friends. Yes, i had a great time, wonderful expensive and posh food and restuarants. They have had just been briefed to CUT, FREEZE AND CUT expenses. However, the foreseeable future would not affect their foreseeable livelihood.

However, I took a break today! I stayed in my hotel room. Went out briefly to stock up for breakfast etc. Most importantly, I need the space and time off to 'think' if not to recover, reflect or catch up with the 'mental, emotional and spiritual shock'?

d. Exile ? - of course i needed this time 'in Exile'. Who doesn't? First i had three days of heavy and serious input of the 597-593 BC. Then over three hours I was transported thousands of miles away, into a totally different environment! It is not the slavery of the Babylonian Empire, but a society of the rich and wealthy. Yes, we are the creme de la creme employees of the big multinationals. And most scary - God does not exist in this world.

have to seriously pray and think about things when i get back!
by 2010, will I be:-
a. a Mad DIV
b. a Mad Cow
c. or just an ordinary Mad woMAN

Monday, November 3, 2008


I love November.

It is the busiest and also and my most relaxing month.
Busiest - as it is a month away from the end of the year. If we have not achieved the year's target by now, it is a bit too late. November is also the begining of the peak of the cosmetic business.

Yet is is relaxing. Relaxing as I get to go for my annual Cosmoprof trip to Hong Kong. This year, I have extended my stay to visit and spend some time with my friends. Need to trade news on the economy and stuff.

This year too we really have to work hard looking for new packaging etc. I hope there are many to choose from. With the global economy the way it is, competition should be plenty.. I hope we get some brillant designs.

Tomorrow will be a start to a long two weeks. 5th to 7th - off for my last lectures. Saturday, 8th Nov, I will be off to Hong Kong. I will be back only on the 16th! Yes, I look forward to the siew ngoh, siew yuk, wantan mee, ngau lum mee! I even look forward to my after-hours cheap pizza for breakfast!

It is good to go away for a while. I miss that. Going away, only makes one realise how lucky we are in Malaysia. Our pace is so slow. We are so contended and most of the world passes us by without us noticing!