Wednesday, December 31, 2008

finishing line

Had a big do in my house. Thought I would use it as a subtle form of spreading Christmas cheer to the non-christian side of the family.

Great success re turnout, but terribly under - catered ie catered for 40 more than double turned up. Not my fault. Left the invites to my mum. Need to say thank you for the local satay man, Pakcik Ali - who served up an additional 100 sticks. Well, at least there are no left-overs!

Streets are wonderfully quiet. Three times a year, I get to enjoy the peace and quietness of KL my hometown; when all these 'foreigners' go away, back to their villages. No traffic jams and mad drivers on the street. I could even ride my bicycle, safely, all the way down to Petaling Street, like I used to eons ago.

Looks like I have to abandon plans of enjoying the last long weekend of 2008. Sigh! Have been summoned to travel in January 09. So I have just sorted out the materials for reading immediately. My last three!

Extremely grateful for arriving at the finishing line of 2008

Really looking forward, with Him by my side, to a Blessed 2009 .

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Big day

There is reason for celebration today for ...

and yes, the candles are just getting too many for my little cupcake....

Friday, December 26, 2008

and it's Christmas

Ocassionally we get a little reminder of female power...
none more so at Christmas.

It was a Mary that gave birth to Jesus on Christmas day..
It was female reindeers that made it possible too....
Read this little antidote.. Just saw a NatGeo documentary mentioning the same facts. ::::::::::::::::::::::
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game,
while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year,
Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore,according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl.
We should've known..ONLY women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost!.

Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

the EvE of

Today, as the EvE of, has been a strange day. It is Eve of Christmas. It is also the EvE of my 8th year-young-birth-day-into-Christ. For the better part of this afternoon, I was in the warehouse - packing. Not packing Christmas presents, but packing stocks for delivery; the last lot for the year. Tomorrow, there will be a 40 and 20 foot container to unpack. Yes, I am working.

Currently, I am more emotionally drained than tired. Perhaps it is an after effect of yesterday. I ended the day - with a nasty mail to a trading partner, threatening CBT; and talking to a young friend who have had a lesson in the hard-knocks of, what I call, the 'real life'. Both had one thing in common. We are talking about behaviours of Christians in the secular world; and whether it has affected our faith.

Issue is how do we embody Christ in every thing we do and which ever 'world' we are in - ie marry if not narrow the gap between what I call 'my secular life' and 'my church life'.

Recently, in a Eagles team lecture, I was taught that we must be God-Centered ie replace the mission or vision statements with God-Centeredness statements. Easy to say not easy to do. For many of us, as we strive to multi-task daily, how do we keep Him centered? He is the tinest of dot in our mind and furthest skewed to the left or right of our heart. Maybe we should adopt the Islamic style of dropping everything five times a day, for prayers? In this aspect, I envy pastors and theological lecturers. As they move mostly in 'a Christian environment', therefore, they are more likely to embody a Christ-like behaviour and make God Centered decisions 24seven?

Re whether it has affected our faith - I am grateful for the hours of theological lectures and assignments!!! With a bit more knowledge of various attributes of God, examples of fellow Christians behaving well or badly or even that the good is allowed to suffer as in JOB, one learns to think and discern. At least I could now say - 'no! don't blame God; it is just a human trait or/and a result of it'.

So, on this EvE, I again re-affirm my choice and faith:
"Because he has set his love upon ME,
therefore, I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known MY Name.
he shall call upon ME, and I will answer him
I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver and honour him
.... and show him my salvation"
KJV; Psalm 91: 14-15
Book Four - The Eternity of God and Man's Fraility

Yes, indeed, God has been extremely kind and faithful!!! We even close the year, today, with a very respectable top and bottom-line! I certainly look forward to this year-end's reward!!! Next year will be a new journey!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Cards

After a couple of such intense 'writings' I should talk about some frivolous topics.

I have received three 'real' Christmas cards. It is real because it is not an e-card. Not that I do not like e-card. A greeting is a greeting. I must say that e-cards are getting more creative and some are really good and nostalgic ones - Dean Martin - Christmas in the snow; and Celine Dion's - It is Christmas.

Opening a real Christmas cards allows for suspense. First, one looks at the stamp. I miss collecting first day covers stamps for Christmas. Then we try to guess who it is from. Then a smile breaks out with the personal hand-written message. One gets transported back for a moment in time, to a foreign land and past memories of the younger and carefree days - of making snowman and snow fights in the freezing night; the Sainbury wines and the half cooked turkey. Memories indeed!!!

Back to reality. We have not received any 'real' Christmas Card from our trading partners or suppliers. Then again, we did not send out any either. Sure is a reflection of the days ahead.

So lets enjoy Christmas - religious or commercial.

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008

finally an Apple....

Yup! finally I received an Apple.
By Apple, I mean an A (actually A-). It has always eluded me.

Now that the euphoria has settled down, I should also reflect.

Yes, I have had been told we are not supposed to worry about grades, when it comes to the studying of His Word. First, I was guilty and worried for this ambitious pursue for excellence. Then I found out that there are others who feels the same. I still believe we should not compromise.

So far, yours truly is only an average three plus GPA student. If not for the less 'theological subjects', averaging up the grades, it would have been a much longer haul and light at the end of the tunnel very distant.

The greatest difficulty faced is the lack of Exposure. Exposure as in-depth knowledge of the various theories/subjects. We no longer have the excuse of not enough reading materials with generously donated on-line journals. However, we still have the excuse of lack of time, juggling work and reading. Maximizing one's capacity (phrase taught to me by a trainer) has its opportunity cost of social life and even work responsiblity.

The lack of Exposure to Christianity and the community of faith, is also of significance. I acknowledge and realise that one is less able to 'discuss'. This is especially so when it comes to relating various theories with the current situation.

Last but not least, of course, the lack of knowledge of Greek and Hebrew is so frustrating. I can't compare it's innuedos etc.; Or it is so time consuming trying. Take for example, I laid my hands on this really intellectual article. It is spated with Greek! Wait a minute, it is Hebrew! So it is a scramble for Bibleworks.

Oh well, just for this reason alone, I guess it is a good enough reason to continue my pursue of His Word. At least it will satisfy my curiosity?

I am still thinking!

kor tung

Today or at least 21st Dec 08 is a special day, for two reasons.

For a long while now Kor Tung or Winter Solistice, has fallen on the 22nd instead of the 21st Dec. So 21st Dec 2008 is a record.

Kor Tung in old chinese history, is the last day of winter. The next day one starts preparing the fields for planting, in time for spring harvest. Kor Tung is also supposed to be more important than the lunar new year. Not sure why! Apparently families are to gather together for a meal; and get ready for planting the next day.

As Overseas Chinese, especially as children, it is the day we get to play and make funny shapes of 'tong-yuen'; much like plastersine except we do it with rice flour, cook it and eat it.

Since it is such an important day, and also near the end of 2008, I guess we should reflect on the year that have passed. Of course, we could always have done better; but I have learnt to mellow. I couldn't have asked for more and definitely have nothing to complain about, but thanksgiving.

I have long decided not to have resolutions, as we never keep them. So here's to another year .......
Another year of trials and tribulations.
Another year of moulding and polishing.
All for HIS Glory and Kingdom!

This weekend has also been memorable.
1. Attended the Cantata, A Night of Miracles, at Pudu. Choir sang heavenly. Joanna as always ha s been a great conductor; not to mention the perfect solo rendition by our classmate Pearlie Ng.

2. Had a thought:- One community of faith's loss is another's gain. HIS Grace is never restricted to the big and powerful. Never have I seen the statement 'small is beautiful' personified so perfectly. HIS Spirit is truly with the faithful.

3. When it comes down to the bare basics only two human beings matters in life. Whatever have had been said or done, it has been my choice. It is now confirmed that I have done right by it! We had a wonderful Kor Tung dinner of fresh oysters, salmons, and goat cheese in an apt celebrative ambience.

I am at rest!
Praise the Lord, O my Soul! Praise HIM indeed!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

UMH 441

After attending lectures on Methodism, two things stuck on my mind.

The first is a part of the assignment where we have to explore John Wesley's methods of spreading Scriptural Holiness. Yes, we were taught that one of the ways was through the Hymns John and Charles wrote. The other was the statement posed by the lecturer to me - 'don't forget that as a liturgist, you can tell the pastor that we should sing such and such a hymn'.

So one Sunday, whilst sitting at the pew, I turned to the Content page of our UMH.
Lo behold, there are 735-57 = 679 hymns (+/-).

Since then I have counted and discovered I know how to sing only 95 or 14% of the hymns. I am not sure if this is a good percentage or average. I could probably do a whole thesis on this. We must of course take into account that I have only converted and been going for Service for the last seven years; and frequent 3 seperate methodist church services.

Anyway, with this exercise and to my delight, I found UMH 441, which I have never come across, have not sung nor been taught to sing, all these years. Not satisfied, I seeked out a pianst who has been playing almost every Sunday, in a 110 year old methodist church, for the last 30years and still is. I asked whether she knows or have had ever played this hymn even once. To my horror, the answer is negative to both queries.

So what is the big deal with UMH 441?
Okay! The title of UMH441 is 'What does the Lord require' .... from Micah 6:8.

Considering that for four years, I have carried this verse in my heart, worn a t-shirt which quotes the verse, and don't know that there is hymn written from it, nor know how to sing it, is a great shame and loss. This is compared to that fact that I read about, participated and wear a t-shirt supporting RPK, over a short one year span!

What about the 2000 odd Congregation, which the church boast of at its peak? The verse may have been preached a couple of times in the last 30years, but it has not been reinforced through repeated singing.

Incidentally, UMH 441 is categorized under the Social Holiness section. Do we see a reason why we oft forget, may be don't know or perhaps even choose to ignore - to 'do justly, love mercy and walk humbly..' ???

Woah!!! - with this little atom of knowledge, I suppose I could strut up to three different pastors and ask them to teach us UMH 441. I will pray to be subtle and face-giving when I do it. However, I am still a long way from answering the last part of my assignment ie how is John Wesley's Sanctification and Scriptural Holiness of relevence to today's churches! Any pointers?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

malaysian scene

I was sent a mail from this blog recently.

I have to say that I am impressed. Impressed by the content of articles written. Even the people who response gives mature replies. Then again, they are mature in every sense of the word. Proud to know that they are people who dare to write what they think.

Monday, December 15, 2008

bringing up parents......

I love the cartoon strip - 'bringing up Father' by George McMamus. I think it's the time of our lifes where and when, we or I could relate to the stories told.

What I am trying to say is - my parents, really sprung a surprise on us at yesterday's dinner table. The two old folks have decided to take a train down to Seremban; by themselves; A cousin will pick them up, with whom they will stay for four days, at Port Dickson!

Why? Why do you need to do that?

"Oh, school holidays are going to be over soon. We wont have time; what with having to pick up the kids after school, for tuition, piano classes etc..."

Oh Dear, here we thought we are doing them a favour by keeping them and their faculties active! They need their space, too? Guess it also shows that they feel closetted with us harping and watching their every move. Strange how the roles seems to be reversed nowadays!

I also know that away from us, people will acclaim loudly - 'wah, uncle and aunty, you sure don't look in your 80's'. Bad choice of compliment! As one would be innudated with a whole life story of how and what one needs to do to keep healthy ...... then it is a case of how well, their children are doing, and how many grand children they have and how many A's they did for SPM, PMR

Moral of the story:

  • what ever time spent, that is considered enough, as apportioned by us, is never enough, for those who spend a whole life 'bringing' us up. Are they feeling 'less' appreciated?
  • I remember my grandfather very well. He takes milk and bread with kaya and butter, to my school for my recess break.
  • But I don't seem to recall much of my Dad when he was young. As teachers and eventually retiring as Head Master, they had two jobs in order to keep food on the table. Their whole life savings has been spent on our education.
  • Are we repeating the same mistake - going through this same cycle of life.

IT dependency

Never realise till now how dependent we are on IT.

We have had some breakdown over the weekend. For the most part of today, we were scrambling around, literally all over town, trying to access and download our EDI purchase orders etc.

After numerous phone calls, Streamyx promised to send some technicians over - only in the next two days to fix problems.

Oh well, guess this is the time to clean my table and do some filing!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

of yoga and holy people....

I am playing catch up with my blog..
About two weeks ago, there were a lot of news on yoga ie One must not practise Yoga as it is non-Islamic due to its religious conotations and orgin. I wasn't going to blog about it, as certain quarters of our own Christian faith does not 'approve' of it either, and for the same reason, too. There are also certain quarters who fear that eventually, even Tai chi's etc will be similarly looked at.
I have had joined yoga classes. I subscribe to my teacher's view, a caucasian lady, who is more interested in its stretching exercise aspects than that of its origin.
But what got me going was this 'joke' sent to me. ruled to be non-Islamic. the mufti says Kamasutra is permitted but with limited moaning and groaning, and strictly without chanting OGod.. ooo God...i am c.....g...

Here I have to say I am tempted to agree with the mufti. We cannot be 'chanting' the name of our Lord in vain! and in any circumstances???
....Smile with me!!! ... I don't wish to be an uptight Christian, probably am an occassionally naughty one, living in Paul's real world.....

HIS handiwork

This happened on Dec 1st 2008. As I stepped out of the car to open the gate, I looked up at the clear dark sky. I saw a pair of eyes and lips looking down at me. It was the brightest and kindest of eyes and the most loving of smile. I stood for a good ten minutes, mesmerised.

Then HE spoke to me.
and said - 'hi kiddo, here I AM'.

......Yes, Lord, I have oft doubted
and have asked 'where are YOU'.
......Yes, I oft wondered
whether you are looking down at me.
......Yes, I stand most humbly corrected..
Yes, it is possible to feel 'warmth in the heart'

and YOU do love to stop us right in our tracks,
and show us the beauty of YOUR handiworks

Though I did not have a camera then, I am glad that so many people have had and the moment was recorded forever. Scientists and Astrologians may tell me that I have just witnessed 'an unusual planetary positioning of Venus and Jupiter and the moon'. As far as I am concerned, the man upstairs, my God, has appeared before me.