To me the English equivalent is - 'every one has a price'.
If I have had taken a percentage of all the expenses I have signed, I would have owned not one but many properties. If I have had kickbacks, I would now be driving a ferrari. As I was dumb enough not to, I am still working for a living. However, I have no regrets. My Lord has bestowed me with more than sufficient blessings. Best of all, I could sleep soundly and walk the streets without looking at who is behind me.
This 'story' is brought up, when I look at this photo.

It is reported in the Star Newspaper, Friday February 6, 2009 that...
"With Hee, it was for personal reasons. She was unhappy that she did not get an exco position. “She felt deprived. She had also questioned why other exco members got the new Toyota Camrys but she only had the Proton Perdana.”
Well, whatever the reasons, Hee does not look triumph in any of the photos that she is featured in. Instead, she looks more like a sheep led to the slaughter house. I definitely pray that she has been sufficiently rewarded. At least I hope there is some Overseas bank account, with at least several seven digits of RM, already set-up. Why? It has to be the only reward worthy of making one's bed with big bad wolves, in which one could only sleep in for a very short period of time.
Anyway, I was at the pharmacy this afternoon. Across the four race present, it was obvious that we were all disappointed with our former learned Lord President.
What ever the price, we must remember we have to live with our actions.. for the rest of our lives!