Saturday, February 28, 2009

my new gizmo

At this moment, what is really needed is sleep. However, I decided to go for a shopping therapy on Thursday night. Afterall I do need a new phone. So off I went.

Well, I was contemplating on either a handheld computer plus phone or just an ordinary handphone. The former is well above my budget. So it has to be the latter. Then I want to hold on to the brand Motorola. However, they didn't do a good marketing and distribution job. At the second shopping complex, there was only one Motorola phone available and it is not even in the original box. I should have waited and called the company and complaint. But I don't have time to go to a third mall and my weekends are already packed with lectures!

So I picked up a W595, which is slim and is well below my budget! Lo and Behold, when I showed it to Gen Z, I was told that it is the latest model! It has not only the basic functions, there are MMS, the camera and can shoot video. The sales personnel didn't tell me that it could shoot videos! Neither did I know the W stands for - surprise, surprise - it's a walkman too! Well, at least I could now be educated and be in touch, when the nephews and nieces load in or 'bluetooth' me the Jay Chou's and Crazy Frog's songs.

Boy! how fast technology is charging ahead! Did I tell you that my new walkman phone even has an extra 'hole' for a friend with an earphone to plug in and share in the music! No wonder it is such a novelty with the young! Imagine this - I could share a 'love seat' at the cinema, watch a movie and hold hands, whilst listening to the same music we both love! Only issue is I have got to find that someone to do that with.

Oh well, by the time I have figured out how to use all these functions, I would have dropped it often enough to pick up a new one! By which time, I hope I still have my faculties to keep up with the latest technology.