The week started with foreboding. First it is a rush to deliver an assignment. During the drive I realised that it was a bit weak in one part and I should have taken a different approach; but never mind, there are just too much on hand and I have to move on. Then there is a summon for a regional meeting next week with so much to prepare. Last but not least, the week will end with a meeting, which I am really not looking forward to. However, by Friday 5pm, it was suddenly a cause for celebration.
So this is that special time when one needs to sit and reflect on His faithfulness:-
a time His blessings has been bountiful
a time the nasty negotiation is finally over
a time we reflect on His mysterious ways
when only but His hand could have created the turn of events
which caught me by surprise and totally stunned me
a time when I could only hold up my hands, look at the sky and ask
why Lord, why are You so kind to me...
a time to indulge and wallow in His presence and love..
a time when the only recourse is to celebrate and rejoice..
in His glory
It is also a time when we could only but pray
it will turn out as well for many..
as much as He has blessed and loved me....
What better form of celebration but to indulge in sushi, sashimi and green tea icecream...
and yes I did!