And I must record this real story. My Dad invited his friend into the shop! They are both octogenarians! After walking round the shop, the friend asks my Dad: sell 'fie-por' (hydrogen filled-balloons) also can? Reason for such unbelief is due to the fact that balloons are not necessities but an indulgence! This is especially so during the Octogenarian's generation, where every little penny is frugally spent on food or saved!
Balloon business is big in the United States and UK. Malaysia is catching up, too! As our country's middle class grows there is a demand for more novelties! Giving a bouquet is an alternative to giving flowers! Balloons especially foil balloons last longer! Balloons also adds to the decor during festivities and celebrations!
Yes, it has been doing well for the last 10years! So check it out!
Be creative! Give Balloon bouquets instead of flowers!
