Attended two weddings hence two dinners! What a lot of food and eating!
Had a conversation with a chinese educated cousin, Tham Sang, who I have had always enjoy talking to! He does comes out with some of the most brillant comments and observations! We were talking about how we need to rush from one wedding to another! He has three that night!
We Chinese has this thing about the date and time we were born ie 'pat-chi'. It is supposed to influence the type of life we will have. In the olden days when marriages are arranged, the male and female's date and time of birth must match, in order ensure a compatible and fruitful marriage.
Tham Sang observed that it is all rubbish and definitely not relevant any more! Why? If each couple has their own matching date and time, there must be millions of combintations of 'pat-chi'. But it cannot be, that for all the millions of Chinese couple, the auspicious day has to fall only in the eight month of the lunar calendar? What happens to the other eleven months in the year?
There are only 5 weekends in 2009. Can you imagine the number of 'angpow's that has been dished out? Apparently all the hotels ballroom and other restuarants have been fully booked in the Klang Valley! Thank God for the idioscycrancies of one culture! Otherwise there would not have been much reprieve, for the hoteliers, from the current economy and H1N1 etc .
A poolside wedding!
A traditional chinese dinner!