To quote his wise advice:
"here is an interesting site - life wisdom in visual form. great idea for those intending to take wisdom literature class in TEE or 2nd semester in-campus course this year. how to re-brand OT wisdom e.g. proverbs into a format that acceptable and easily understood in a 21st century world?"
So I followed the site ( The first thing which pops up was this (below). I have taken the liberty to copy it.
First I love the visual ie the full-lips. Wish it was real. Alas, we have always been looking for a real live one to bring out the shades of our lipsticks. Love the red vibrant shade which one only find being used by mature, yet confident ladies!
Then I really love the message.
"Go against the grain and keep it simple stupid". A contradiction in itself. But it is true.

Title: People Complicate Life Too Much – Go Against The Grain And Keep Things Simple Stupid
Life doesn’t need to be as complicated as so many make it. Jobs, family life, ownership, plans and creativity is always overcomplicated without good reason. This complexity caps your time, energy and money and almost always gives you a far less superior outcome. Take a moment to reflect on the things in your life that might be overcomplicated and try to focus on cutting back and streamlining them, you will be amazed at the difference this can make in your life.
How can we go against the grain of society and yet be simple about it. Imagine the uproar if we go against the rules of society or a religion. But I love it; makes life interesting and appeals so much to my nature. Modern terms like lateral thinking, advices us to go against the grain; don't be a follower or a dead-wood. Empowerment of employees allows them to be 'movers and shakers' of the company and the world. Even God shakes us out of our complacency, occasionally, to go out and expand His kingdom!
Statement is appropriate, too, in light of a recent incident (a couple of hours old really) over some books. Like the author said ... why? why? why turn a couple of persons generosity into such complicity. May be we should truly go against the grain. It is as simple as - ask the owner of the books to withdraw them for a short period so we can access outside the boundaries.
Hee! Hee! hee! evil laughter! But no, we have matured. We don't do such things any more. Just the thought of it is satisfactory!
So let us enjoy the wise statement and truly reflect on our issues!