Got this picture from the mail entitled
"it's okay, sometimes, to say the 'f' word".
Not sure who the photographer is; but sure is at the right place at the right time and with a camera.
This picture is rather appropriate. Don't we all feel like the lorry sometimes. Describes me for the moment. The physical exhaustion is bearable; we could always pop Vitamins or sleep it off. Mental exhaustion is another kettle of fish - I am totally drained! Emotionally I am a robot! What about Spiritually? I am totally dry - now which desert should I equate it to?
However, I have to admit that it has been fruitful. Accomplished quite a lot of stuff. There are opportunity costs though; I have not touched any aleph, ... eh ... what is 'b'... don't know..! Exams in two weeks! For once, I do have a happy and good conscience about failing!
Sure am looking forward to the weekend. But weekend starts only in another 24hours! I have lectures; and will most likely fall asleep again!
I like the photograph. Whatever the burden, we remain standing. Rest we have to look towards and leave it to HIM!