Thursday, May 6, 2010

festering .....

I think I have come to realize (if you have not yet) that there would usually be a sort of long silence. Then I go into a spurt of writings!

Actually every time sometime happens or saw something, I will think 'oh, I got to record that in my blog'. But I never got to do it. Never got to write I mean.

Excuses are plenty. We brood about it. We get bogged down, literally and figuratively. We even get weighted down. Well, one thing for sure, we let it fester inside for a while.

This festering comes about because we or I want things to happen the way I want it. I think that this is the right way to do it. It is especially so when we have had spent years doing it; and it has always proven to be successful many times over!
But most of all, I want it to happen now! So the festering consumes us!

However, with time and age, I have learnt that this period of 'brooding', anxiety, festering and being weighted down is good; so long as we do not let it depress us or express it out aggressively at friends or family.

Why? because I now acquaint this 'period' to the biblical phrase 'wait upon the Lord'. Really it is a period for things to fall into place. Depending on who is looking at it - there are always two sides to the coin; which is another story - of the young and energetic or the mature and mellow!

So today, the festering is over!
Yes we have a GM!
Yes, I even got a missed call, which probably means a trip to Italy!
Yes, it has hit me that migrating to Sydney is happening to some people!

Nothing concrete yet! But it is happening! It is the beginning of a new decade! We still have to hold our horses as the picture unfolds....
Meanwhile it is good 'wait upon HIM for HIS timing upon HIS will'!