I couldn't sleep at all.
It was rough at work. What else but negotiations of course! My boss said - business and things would have been smoother, with every one making monies, if we all are kinder to one another!
"Kindness" seems not to be the fashion nowadays; especially dealing with the Y generation! May be it is a result of the smaller family syndrome ie only one other sibling in a family unit. So there is no need or experience of having to share. It is always a case of 'one getting exactly what one wants'.
A small, probably silly association or excuse for our generation - I mean we grew up singing the song "Try a little kindness" by Glen Campbell. But I don't think there are any songs of this postmodern generation with that word "kindness" in it.
So it is with great enlightenment that I read in the wake service bulletin of
Mr Poh Sin Bin, of his favourite passage.
"I expect to pass through this world once
If therefore there be any kindness I can show
Or any good things I can do to any fellow being
Let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it
For I shall not pass this way again..."
I am not sure where this passage is taken from.
It is a true reflection of Mr Poh's actions and principles in life.
Rest in peace Mr Poh, for you have
"fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith"
(2 Timothy:5-7 (NIV])
and have been kind to everyone you touched...