It is now at least a full month when I do not have to worry about homework or studies! Though I do have a CH assignment outstanding. Well.. not quite... too long away from studies make me lazy and now thinking of not handing it in.
Now what decadence have I been up to then??? Virtual farming of course!

Take for example in this pics - what has a leaning tower, cacti and a circus elephant have in common? Answer - an addicted farmer!

Then we have the latest collection - hardly two days old! A Groovy Cow - which hops and delivers loads of 'hearts' when we pet it. Yes, there was a survey by Farmville to ask what we would like to plant and make the produce into ie a baker, a wine-maker or a spa-owner! As you could see - I choose to be a master baker! Well, I know my friends bake wonderful cakes - so I dream I could be like them - a virtual master baker!

Last but not least, here is my virtual place of solace - after a rough day at work!
All for a good course! Pure indulgence of time and brain cells totally at rest!