At this moment, what is really needed is sleep. However, I decided to go for a shopping therapy on Thursday night. Afterall I do need a new phone. So off I went.
Well, I was contemplating on either a handheld computer plus phone or just an ordinary handphone. The former is well above my budget. So it has to be the latter. Then I want to hold on to the brand Motorola. However, they didn't do a good marketing and distribution job. At the second shopping complex, there was only one Motorola phone available and it is not even in the original box. I should have waited and called the company and complaint. But I don't have time to go to a third mall and my weekends are already packed with lectures!
So I picked up a W595, which is slim and is well below my budget! Lo and Behold, when I showed it to Gen Z, I was told that it is the latest model! It has not only the basic functions, there are MMS, the camera and can shoot video. The sales personnel didn't tell me that it could shoot videos! Neither did I know the W stands for - surprise, surprise - it's a walkman too! Well, at least I could now be educated and be in touch, when the nephews and nieces load in or 'bluetooth' me the Jay Chou's and Crazy Frog's songs.
Boy! how fast technology is charging ahead! Did I tell you that my new walkman phone even has an extra 'hole' for a friend with an earphone to plug in and share in the music! No wonder it is such a novelty with the young! Imagine this - I could share a 'love seat' at the cinema, watch a movie and hold hands, whilst listening to the same music we both love! Only issue is I have got to find that someone to do that with.
Oh well, by the time I have figured out how to use all these functions, I would have dropped it often enough to pick up a new one! By which time, I hope I still have my faculties to keep up with the latest technology.
My work is now my hobby; which pays for my time and job studying theology. What a wonderful and blessed thought.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
of wheat and tares
It is the time of my life where the dateline is getting very near but I am no where near but struggling to complete it.
Yes, I have chosen a most complicated parable. I chose it for no other reason than I have always been made to feel like a goat and not a sheep and now maybe a tare and not a wheat! And we call ourselves of the same community of faith! Then there's the other issue of the kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God. What's the diff... as my younger peers will say. Yet, we homo sapiens still indulge in comparisons, compartmentalisation and the 'different other'. Why do we persists and need to do that?
Obviously because we have not learnt about Jesus's one commandment of 'Loving one another as much as we love Him! For one, when we are blossoming out into adulthood, there's the puppy love. As we are thrown into Paul's world, we love ourselves much more than others! Sad! very Sad!
Today, or at least a couple of hours ago, it's Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lent. About two thousand and nine years ago, Jesus enters Jerusalem for the last time; when He was eventually be crucified.
So Lord -
forgive us for our trespasses
lead us not into tempation and
keep us from evil.
for You are the power, glory and kingdom!
Yes, I have chosen a most complicated parable. I chose it for no other reason than I have always been made to feel like a goat and not a sheep and now maybe a tare and not a wheat! And we call ourselves of the same community of faith! Then there's the other issue of the kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God. What's the diff... as my younger peers will say. Yet, we homo sapiens still indulge in comparisons, compartmentalisation and the 'different other'. Why do we persists and need to do that?
Obviously because we have not learnt about Jesus's one commandment of 'Loving one another as much as we love Him! For one, when we are blossoming out into adulthood, there's the puppy love. As we are thrown into Paul's world, we love ourselves much more than others! Sad! very Sad!
Today, or at least a couple of hours ago, it's Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lent. About two thousand and nine years ago, Jesus enters Jerusalem for the last time; when He was eventually be crucified.
So Lord -
forgive us for our trespasses
lead us not into tempation and
keep us from evil.
for You are the power, glory and kingdom!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
of cars and cows...
Today I have the honour of attending a free farewell gala at Bangsar Actors Studio.
The show consists of a medley of songs written and performed by a group of Gen Y. I have to admit I am proud that the future of our country is in their hands.
If I have only read and knew from my peers, tonight I saw for with my own eyes, a total new group of young people. These group of newly identified young Malaysians have their own blog, website, Facebook, you-tube etc. and definitely have their own opinions of society and politics. Notwithstanding what race they are born of, they could express themselves in at least three languages. They are definitely much wiser and more knowledgeable than our generation.
This generation is the by-products of a generation/parents who has benefited from the “the processes of globalization and the ‘high-tech’ modernisation associated particularly with the governments of Mahathir; seen as the main drivers of identity reformulation in Malaysia”.
(Graham K Brown, The formation and management of political identities: Malaysia and Indonesia compared, Centre for Research; on inequality, human security and ethnicity, CRISE, Queen Elisabeth House, University of Oxford)
Building a strong and large group of middle class citizen ensures stablity! However, education also allows people to think for themselves.
Our Malaysian Gen Y may respect their culture and the older generation. No way will they be so naive or gullible to be taken in with stories of cars and cows! They have already 'predicted' - after Perak, now Selangor, what next? Kedah? No way too, will the Ulama's or religious leaders get their hands on them, so easily!
Three cheers for our next generation of Anak Bangsa Malaysia!
The show consists of a medley of songs written and performed by a group of Gen Y. I have to admit I am proud that the future of our country is in their hands.
If I have only read and knew from my peers, tonight I saw for with my own eyes, a total new group of young people. These group of newly identified young Malaysians have their own blog, website, Facebook, you-tube etc. and definitely have their own opinions of society and politics. Notwithstanding what race they are born of, they could express themselves in at least three languages. They are definitely much wiser and more knowledgeable than our generation.
This generation is the by-products of a generation/parents who has benefited from the “the processes of globalization and the ‘high-tech’ modernisation associated particularly with the governments of Mahathir; seen as the main drivers of identity reformulation in Malaysia”.
(Graham K Brown, The formation and management of political identities: Malaysia and Indonesia compared, Centre for Research; on inequality, human security and ethnicity, CRISE, Queen Elisabeth House, University of Oxford)
Building a strong and large group of middle class citizen ensures stablity! However, education also allows people to think for themselves.
Our Malaysian Gen Y may respect their culture and the older generation. No way will they be so naive or gullible to be taken in with stories of cars and cows! They have already 'predicted' - after Perak, now Selangor, what next? Kedah? No way too, will the Ulama's or religious leaders get their hands on them, so easily!
Three cheers for our next generation of Anak Bangsa Malaysia!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
...'tactical aspects' galore ???
Now that I have had a breather, I played catch-up on the news!
I have to say that I am rather proud of what is happening politically in our country! We are maturing as a society! We are in a moment of history!
With the alternative news available, we now have a choice and opportunity to hear both sides of the situation and make our own decision. What I find most enlightening is the phrase 'tactical aspect of politics'! which is a result of 'unresolved political turmoil'. (
Re tactical aspect:-
a. we have a ruler who is perceived not to practise what he preaches for whatever reason
b. we have a MACC who reveals he has proof of abuse of power againt a MB, like as if there are nothing more important than cows and cars!
c. we have a PM instructing a MB and 6 EXCo members to attend State Assembly meeting from which they were suspended.
d. we have police reports flying around... making our police force very busy, rendering petty snatch thieves a field day
d. and etc, etc, etc...
There are so many political moves countering another, who knows what is happening behind close doors. The seemingly lawful is seemingly acting unlawfully! What a lot of unlawfullness! Honestly, it is so much more exciting than the stories we read in the Three Kingdom, which eventually resulted in the Sun Tzu Art of War!
The best thing to come out of this is - we semuts, at least my Dad, using him as a yardstick and who has nothing better to do but to read all the papers available, no longer is swayed or has the 'fear' of May13, 1969. At least he no longer finds it necessary to go and stock up on provisions over the latests issues in town!
Then again, the ordinary semuts are just trying to get on with their lives. Perhaps most of the semuts are getting a bit bored over the repeated old scripts and tactics.
So much for a maturing society - where political tugs of war is allowed and played up blinding the issue of the real deteriorating economy in the country ! A leading paper has just announced that The number of workers temporarily laid off has risen from 45,000 before the Chinese New Year holidays to 80,000. Those being retrenched has risen to 19,000 from 15,000.
Let's pray for less greed and more wisdom for our political leaders!!
I have to say that I am rather proud of what is happening politically in our country! We are maturing as a society! We are in a moment of history!
With the alternative news available, we now have a choice and opportunity to hear both sides of the situation and make our own decision. What I find most enlightening is the phrase 'tactical aspect of politics'! which is a result of 'unresolved political turmoil'. (
Re tactical aspect:-
a. we have a ruler who is perceived not to practise what he preaches for whatever reason
b. we have a MACC who reveals he has proof of abuse of power againt a MB, like as if there are nothing more important than cows and cars!
c. we have a PM instructing a MB and 6 EXCo members to attend State Assembly meeting from which they were suspended.
d. we have police reports flying around... making our police force very busy, rendering petty snatch thieves a field day
d. and etc, etc, etc...
There are so many political moves countering another, who knows what is happening behind close doors. The seemingly lawful is seemingly acting unlawfully! What a lot of unlawfullness! Honestly, it is so much more exciting than the stories we read in the Three Kingdom, which eventually resulted in the Sun Tzu Art of War!
The best thing to come out of this is - we semuts, at least my Dad, using him as a yardstick and who has nothing better to do but to read all the papers available, no longer is swayed or has the 'fear' of May13, 1969. At least he no longer finds it necessary to go and stock up on provisions over the latests issues in town!
Then again, the ordinary semuts are just trying to get on with their lives. Perhaps most of the semuts are getting a bit bored over the repeated old scripts and tactics.
So much for a maturing society - where political tugs of war is allowed and played up blinding the issue of the real deteriorating economy in the country ! A leading paper has just announced that The number of workers temporarily laid off has risen from 45,000 before the Chinese New Year holidays to 80,000. Those being retrenched has risen to 19,000 from 15,000.
Let's pray for less greed and more wisdom for our political leaders!!
Getting a bit lazy. So I am just copying other people's writings into my blog. This story below (author unknown) is rather representative of one of the current political ruse perhaps; a run up the infamous March 09, when we will have a new Prime Minister - a rather impatient and ambitious man or is it the wife?.
Incidentally the 'story' below also reminds me of the many occassions where I was called 'chinks' and told to go home, in England and Australia; even by little eight year olds. May be these little brats were influenced by ET, who wants to go home. Not surprisingly though, US is the only place, where I was never to told to go home! Because they are all pendatangs ie foreigners/visitors!
I am of the Hakka clan. Hakka means 'guests' in Mandarin. So of the 'guest' clan, they technically have no home! Fortunately my grandfather chose this to be our home!
The Fairy God Mother
Ahmad: Hey son, who were you talking to?
Son: My fairy god mother.
Ahmad: How many times have I told you there is no such thing as a fairy god mother?
Son: I know, but there really is a fairy god-mother dad.
Ahmad: Okay, call her here now. I would like to talk to her.
Son: But she won't come dad. She said she doesn't want to meet you.
Ahmad: Did she tell you why?
Son: She said that you are a bad man. You betray your Chinese friends
by calling them pendatangs.
Ahmad: You saw that news on tv didn't you?
Son: No, I didn't, the fairy god mother told me.
Ahmad: Well, your fairy god mother is wrong. She should thank me
for calling the Chinese pendatangs.
Son: Why dad?
Ahmad: You see son, the Chinese are actually bad people.
They come from another country and they want to chase us out of this country.
Son: Why do they want to do that dad?
Ahmad: Because they are greedy. Now, you tell your fairy god mother
that your dad is right by doing what he did. Can your fairy god mother
grant you wishes?
Son: Yes dad, she told me so. She even asked me to make a wish but I
didn't know what to ask for.
Ahmad: Well, ask your fairy god mother to make all this pendatangs
to disappear. Okay son, time for bed. No more talking to make belief
fairy god mothers okay. Good night son!
Son: Good night dad.
15 minutes later
Ahmad: SON, SON, where are you? Where are you? Huh, there you are. I
am so worried, I thought, I'd never find you.
Son: Dad, where are we? Why are we here? I was talking to my fairy godmother and suddenly we here in a strange place.
Ahmad: Err, what were you talking to the fairy god mother?
Son: I told her, I wish all the pendatangs would be sent back to where
they come from. Dad, is that Tun Dr Mahathir and Uncle Samy there
selling roti? Dad is this India? Fairy God Mother also said that
Indonesia's population increased by 18 million within 15 mins!!
Incidentally the 'story' below also reminds me of the many occassions where I was called 'chinks' and told to go home, in England and Australia; even by little eight year olds. May be these little brats were influenced by ET, who wants to go home. Not surprisingly though, US is the only place, where I was never to told to go home! Because they are all pendatangs ie foreigners/visitors!
I am of the Hakka clan. Hakka means 'guests' in Mandarin. So of the 'guest' clan, they technically have no home! Fortunately my grandfather chose this to be our home!
The Fairy God Mother
Ahmad: Hey son, who were you talking to?
Son: My fairy god mother.
Ahmad: How many times have I told you there is no such thing as a fairy god mother?
Son: I know, but there really is a fairy god-mother dad.
Ahmad: Okay, call her here now. I would like to talk to her.
Son: But she won't come dad. She said she doesn't want to meet you.
Ahmad: Did she tell you why?
Son: She said that you are a bad man. You betray your Chinese friends
by calling them pendatangs.
Ahmad: You saw that news on tv didn't you?
Son: No, I didn't, the fairy god mother told me.
Ahmad: Well, your fairy god mother is wrong. She should thank me
for calling the Chinese pendatangs.
Son: Why dad?
Ahmad: You see son, the Chinese are actually bad people.
They come from another country and they want to chase us out of this country.
Son: Why do they want to do that dad?
Ahmad: Because they are greedy. Now, you tell your fairy god mother
that your dad is right by doing what he did. Can your fairy god mother
grant you wishes?
Son: Yes dad, she told me so. She even asked me to make a wish but I
didn't know what to ask for.
Ahmad: Well, ask your fairy god mother to make all this pendatangs
to disappear. Okay son, time for bed. No more talking to make belief
fairy god mothers okay. Good night son!
Son: Good night dad.
15 minutes later
Ahmad: SON, SON, where are you? Where are you? Huh, there you are. I
am so worried, I thought, I'd never find you.
Son: Dad, where are we? Why are we here? I was talking to my fairy godmother and suddenly we here in a strange place.
Ahmad: Err, what were you talking to the fairy god mother?
Son: I told her, I wish all the pendatangs would be sent back to where
they come from. Dad, is that Tun Dr Mahathir and Uncle Samy there
selling roti? Dad is this India? Fairy God Mother also said that
Indonesia's population increased by 18 million within 15 mins!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
a time to laugh .... 2
We can categorize fashion or music to belong to a certain era. Some one should actually record and come out with a book on 'Jokes' reflecting the decade. Eg Jokes during the Great Depression of the 30s; we should now have one of 'Corrections of the most powerful country (USA)' era.
Below is one of them (author unknown); shows the tenacity of humans in best or worst situation.
In a large multinational company..............
A fire alarm rang at 4 PM in a large office when almost all employees were in office (approx 5000). As usual the entire office was evacuated within 3 mins & all employees gathered outside the office in the designated area waiting for further announcement.
The Security Officer in charge made the following announcement: "Dear employees - with sincere regret I have been asked to announce that for many of you it will be your last evacuation drill. Due to the recession the company is laying off almost 50% of its employees. So when this announcement finishes, I ask all of you to move back into the building and if your swipe card does not work then it means you have been laid off in which case you will not be allowed inside and all your belongings
will be couriered to you by tomorrow.
The Company has used this innovative approach as we didn't want to fill up the email box with lay-off mails and good bye mails in thousands & also to avoid any fight inside the office and the consequent security issue for all staff.
Hope you have had a rewarding career with us and all the best ahead.
Please move back in & try your luck".
Below is one of them (author unknown); shows the tenacity of humans in best or worst situation.
In a large multinational company..............
A fire alarm rang at 4 PM in a large office when almost all employees were in office (approx 5000). As usual the entire office was evacuated within 3 mins & all employees gathered outside the office in the designated area waiting for further announcement.
The Security Officer in charge made the following announcement: "Dear employees - with sincere regret I have been asked to announce that for many of you it will be your last evacuation drill. Due to the recession the company is laying off almost 50% of its employees. So when this announcement finishes, I ask all of you to move back into the building and if your swipe card does not work then it means you have been laid off in which case you will not be allowed inside and all your belongings
will be couriered to you by tomorrow.
The Company has used this innovative approach as we didn't want to fill up the email box with lay-off mails and good bye mails in thousands & also to avoid any fight inside the office and the consequent security issue for all staff.
Hope you have had a rewarding career with us and all the best ahead.
Please move back in & try your luck".
a time to praise......
Yes, the last few weeks have been tough! And whatever is to come is just a chore!
But for now, it is the time to Praise the faithfulness of the Lord!
Why? because with the world economy swirling around, and expecting the worst, we have and will close the first quarter really well. And it is only mid February! I have to confess I did not believe my eyes, when I saw the figures!
Oh me - Oh my soul - you are such a creature of so-little faith!
Never ever forget - HIS mighty wings will bear us.
" the care the eagle gives her young...
when we flutter helplessly as fledgling eagles fall
beneath us lift God's mighty wings to bear us, one and all"
(UMH 118 - by R Deame Postlethwaite)
Oh, I have to thank my friends who prayed for me and gave me encouragement!
But for now, it is the time to Praise the faithfulness of the Lord!
Why? because with the world economy swirling around, and expecting the worst, we have and will close the first quarter really well. And it is only mid February! I have to confess I did not believe my eyes, when I saw the figures!
Oh me - Oh my soul - you are such a creature of so-little faith!
Never ever forget - HIS mighty wings will bear us.
" the care the eagle gives her young...
when we flutter helplessly as fledgling eagles fall
beneath us lift God's mighty wings to bear us, one and all"
(UMH 118 - by R Deame Postlethwaite)
Oh, I have to thank my friends who prayed for me and gave me encouragement!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
RM72 for coffee !!!
Boy, you would not believe the amount of stick I got for spending RM72 on coffee! Okay, I am feeling a bit guilty about it! I have not sent in the claims yet!
And I have not even let the cat out of the bag (which I now have) that I spent RM92++ per head on lunch. Among other things, this place has the best scones with clotted cream in town! Yes! fresh clotted cream!!!
Hei, we do need to reward ourselves sometimes! We cannot be working or be stingy/meanly parsimonious(love this word) all the time! After all I have spent enough on books in the last four years! The opportunity cost for that is my backpacking travels. Oh Well!
In fact with the little I know, I really like Ecclesiastes! At least I like to go back to it, whenever I feel like indulging! Indeed the Preachers does remind us that everything under the sun is vanity!
A little education is definitely a dangerous and extravagant thing! Like a wise friend said 'sik-siu-siu, pan-toi-pui'!
So lets have more coffee and clotted cream!
And I have not even let the cat out of the bag (which I now have) that I spent RM92++ per head on lunch. Among other things, this place has the best scones with clotted cream in town! Yes! fresh clotted cream!!!
Hei, we do need to reward ourselves sometimes! We cannot be working or be stingy/meanly parsimonious(love this word) all the time! After all I have spent enough on books in the last four years! The opportunity cost for that is my backpacking travels. Oh Well!
In fact with the little I know, I really like Ecclesiastes! At least I like to go back to it, whenever I feel like indulging! Indeed the Preachers does remind us that everything under the sun is vanity!
A little education is definitely a dangerous and extravagant thing! Like a wise friend said 'sik-siu-siu, pan-toi-pui'!
So lets have more coffee and clotted cream!
two out of three ain't bad
I love Meatloaf and the song titled Two out of Three ain't bad.
Anyway, I used the song title recently - to console another. Guess it is a mellowing or maturing of sorts, too, on my part. We must agree it is a rather good consolation statement of sorts. It is a positive compromise considering one's situation.
What else could one say? It is madness to be a breadwinner, takes a second degree (part time) and a professional certificate, all at the same time. Positively, it is good that we have such positive and aggressive young people around.
Once upon a time, I would not have accepted anything less than the best. In fact I believe that nothing, under the sun, is unachievable. No mountain is too high; and no wind is more welcomed that a force 5 for windsurfing at Kuantan Balok beach, right in the middle of a monsoon! I blame my mum for such an attitude; who as of today, is so strong that she survived 20 years of colon cancer and still walking inspite of a collapsed lumbar. Her moto is - for every day I live some one will find a cure!
I know I expect a lot from myself, hence, inevitably of others. It got to the stage that I was told off ie not to expect others to be able to do something just because we ourselves have done it.
End of the day, being able to take pressure requires opportunites. A positive never-say-die attitude helps too. So two out of three is a positive compromise!
Anyway, I used the song title recently - to console another. Guess it is a mellowing or maturing of sorts, too, on my part. We must agree it is a rather good consolation statement of sorts. It is a positive compromise considering one's situation.
What else could one say? It is madness to be a breadwinner, takes a second degree (part time) and a professional certificate, all at the same time. Positively, it is good that we have such positive and aggressive young people around.
Once upon a time, I would not have accepted anything less than the best. In fact I believe that nothing, under the sun, is unachievable. No mountain is too high; and no wind is more welcomed that a force 5 for windsurfing at Kuantan Balok beach, right in the middle of a monsoon! I blame my mum for such an attitude; who as of today, is so strong that she survived 20 years of colon cancer and still walking inspite of a collapsed lumbar. Her moto is - for every day I live some one will find a cure!
I know I expect a lot from myself, hence, inevitably of others. It got to the stage that I was told off ie not to expect others to be able to do something just because we ourselves have done it.
End of the day, being able to take pressure requires opportunites. A positive never-say-die attitude helps too. So two out of three is a positive compromise!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday 13th, Feb
Though today, Friday 13th passed without much ado, it has been a rough week. Worked on Monday though it is a public holiday, Boss was in town, we went for a nasty meeting, did a round of trade visits and briefed a 23year old on our company and brand for her final year major research.
Big Deal?
Yes. After the nasty meeting, between the two of us, we had four cups of cappucino for RM72.00. Too expensive for the current economy. However, we need the ambience and the caffeine. This time round, I am so pleased I was totally cool and did not loose my head. It is a great improvement. We used to head straight for the nearest water-hole and had at least a pint, literally waiting for the 'quai-loo liong char' (beer) to cool us down, reflecting, before we even say anything of subtance to one another. That's how big a deal our meetings were!
No! because life goes on under the sun. It is not a big deal any more. I think I am more 'settled'. Have decided and told the boss - 2011 is the dateline. After that, no more corporate stuff. Enough is enough! Need to take a different drift in life.

... such as sitting under the coconut tree ... in some small kampung!
What a wonderful thought!
Of course, my peers were shocked. Mum, pratical as usual is worried; how and what you are going to live on? In reality, we really need so little to live on. What are you going to do? There's so much still to be done. There's the South American continent, the Africa Safari and the North and South Pole! What about the glamour and power(?). Well, I think I will miss it. But we will leave it to the Hee's and the Puteri's, shall we?
Big Deal?
Yes. After the nasty meeting, between the two of us, we had four cups of cappucino for RM72.00. Too expensive for the current economy. However, we need the ambience and the caffeine. This time round, I am so pleased I was totally cool and did not loose my head. It is a great improvement. We used to head straight for the nearest water-hole and had at least a pint, literally waiting for the 'quai-loo liong char' (beer) to cool us down, reflecting, before we even say anything of subtance to one another. That's how big a deal our meetings were!
No! because life goes on under the sun. It is not a big deal any more. I think I am more 'settled'. Have decided and told the boss - 2011 is the dateline. After that, no more corporate stuff. Enough is enough! Need to take a different drift in life.

... such as sitting under the coconut tree ... in some small kampung!
What a wonderful thought!
Of course, my peers were shocked. Mum, pratical as usual is worried; how and what you are going to live on? In reality, we really need so little to live on. What are you going to do? There's so much still to be done. There's the South American continent, the Africa Safari and the North and South Pole! What about the glamour and power(?). Well, I think I will miss it. But we will leave it to the Hee's and the Puteri's, shall we?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
at what price
The Chinese have a saying - 'chon-zit-chon-zit, chi-chou-hark-sic'. What it simply means is - if one is to act honestly all the time, it is a matter of time that one has to beg for food or remains a pauper forever.
To me the English equivalent is - 'every one has a price'.
If I have had taken a percentage of all the expenses I have signed, I would have owned not one but many properties. If I have had kickbacks, I would now be driving a ferrari. As I was dumb enough not to, I am still working for a living. However, I have no regrets. My Lord has bestowed me with more than sufficient blessings. Best of all, I could sleep soundly and walk the streets without looking at who is behind me.
This 'story' is brought up, when I look at this photo.

It is reported in the Star Newspaper, Friday February 6, 2009 that...
"With Hee, it was for personal reasons. She was unhappy that she did not get an exco position. “She felt deprived. She had also questioned why other exco members got the new Toyota Camrys but she only had the Proton Perdana.”
Well, whatever the reasons, Hee does not look triumph in any of the photos that she is featured in. Instead, she looks more like a sheep led to the slaughter house. I definitely pray that she has been sufficiently rewarded. At least I hope there is some Overseas bank account, with at least several seven digits of RM, already set-up. Why? It has to be the only reward worthy of making one's bed with big bad wolves, in which one could only sleep in for a very short period of time.
Anyway, I was at the pharmacy this afternoon. Across the four race present, it was obvious that we were all disappointed with our former learned Lord President.
What ever the price, we must remember we have to live with our actions.. for the rest of our lives!
To me the English equivalent is - 'every one has a price'.
If I have had taken a percentage of all the expenses I have signed, I would have owned not one but many properties. If I have had kickbacks, I would now be driving a ferrari. As I was dumb enough not to, I am still working for a living. However, I have no regrets. My Lord has bestowed me with more than sufficient blessings. Best of all, I could sleep soundly and walk the streets without looking at who is behind me.
This 'story' is brought up, when I look at this photo.

It is reported in the Star Newspaper, Friday February 6, 2009 that...
"With Hee, it was for personal reasons. She was unhappy that she did not get an exco position. “She felt deprived. She had also questioned why other exco members got the new Toyota Camrys but she only had the Proton Perdana.”
Well, whatever the reasons, Hee does not look triumph in any of the photos that she is featured in. Instead, she looks more like a sheep led to the slaughter house. I definitely pray that she has been sufficiently rewarded. At least I hope there is some Overseas bank account, with at least several seven digits of RM, already set-up. Why? It has to be the only reward worthy of making one's bed with big bad wolves, in which one could only sleep in for a very short period of time.
Anyway, I was at the pharmacy this afternoon. Across the four race present, it was obvious that we were all disappointed with our former learned Lord President.
What ever the price, we must remember we have to live with our actions.. for the rest of our lives!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
red cliff 2
Talk about contradictions! Went to see the movie Red Cliff at 12am.
Not a wise thing to do as I need my sleep. However, I strongly recommend that this show must be seen on a big screen.
Plot after plot, the essence of SunTzu's Art of war, was well portrayed. With John Woo as director, we were mesmerized for two hours. Although I don't think there was quite so much gunpowder and explosions used in battle when one read the actual literature.
Red Cliff 2 is about the 3rd Century popular lore of the Three Kingdom - of Kung Ming (also known as ZhuGeLiang), Kuan Kung, Liu Bei and their adversary Ciao Ciao.
The Three Kingdoms period is a period in the history of China, part of an era of disunity called the Six Dynasties.
What was particularly impressive was the "Kung Ming lanterns" that lighted the sky. It is said to be invented by ZhuGeliang during the Three Kingdoms period as way of communication during war time. He was one of the greatest strategists of post-Han China, as well as a statesman, engineer, scholar, and legendary strategists. Had a thought! Imagine how threatening it would be to fly Kung Ming Lanterns during a candlelight vigil! Incidentally it is banned since 2003, in Malaysia. (
Though I claim first and foremost to be a Anak Malaysia, there is a certain pride that a mere chinese lore hits the big screen. Red Cliff may not hit the magnitude of popularity or box-office takings as Lord of the Rings, it sure reminds me of the pride and gleam in his eyes, when my grandfather talk of his home and country.
Not a wise thing to do as I need my sleep. However, I strongly recommend that this show must be seen on a big screen.
Plot after plot, the essence of SunTzu's Art of war, was well portrayed. With John Woo as director, we were mesmerized for two hours. Although I don't think there was quite so much gunpowder and explosions used in battle when one read the actual literature.
Red Cliff 2 is about the 3rd Century popular lore of the Three Kingdom - of Kung Ming (also known as ZhuGeLiang), Kuan Kung, Liu Bei and their adversary Ciao Ciao.
The Three Kingdoms period is a period in the history of China, part of an era of disunity called the Six Dynasties.
What was particularly impressive was the "Kung Ming lanterns" that lighted the sky. It is said to be invented by ZhuGeliang during the Three Kingdoms period as way of communication during war time. He was one of the greatest strategists of post-Han China, as well as a statesman, engineer, scholar, and legendary strategists. Had a thought! Imagine how threatening it would be to fly Kung Ming Lanterns during a candlelight vigil! Incidentally it is banned since 2003, in Malaysia. (
Though I claim first and foremost to be a Anak Malaysia, there is a certain pride that a mere chinese lore hits the big screen. Red Cliff may not hit the magnitude of popularity or box-office takings as Lord of the Rings, it sure reminds me of the pride and gleam in his eyes, when my grandfather talk of his home and country.
Monday, February 2, 2009
sky-peing and the other sky..
After a long break, today has been slow and strangely quiet.
Partly today was a replacement for yesterday's KL City Day. Roads are quiet. Sure feels like being in the 'eye of the storm'.
However, there are two things of significance:-
1. One of the advantaqe of being in a different crowd, allows exchange of information.
So from today, we have commissioned a Gen Z to introduce skype-ing to our computers! We will give it a try to see how much we could save.
2. To day is the eigth day of CNY. It is the most important day for the Hokkiens, when they pray and give thanks to the Sky God.
Story had it that:
It is in remembrance of the day that the Hokkiens came out from the sugar-cane fields, where they were hidding, after being persecuted by the Hakka's. The Hakka's were a warrior group, moving from one region to the other. Story has it that the Hakka's will understand the language of the land, if they drink the local water. For the journey they carried water, of the previous place with them. Unfortunately for the Hokkiens, when the Hakka's arrived in the Fukkien province, they were still drinking water of the previous land. Hence when asked who they were, the Hokkiens said they are 'lang' which means man but to the Hakka's it means wolf. So the persecution commenced.
The above is just a fable, an ancient Chinese tale. Yet it is so representative of the current world. The Hakka and the Hokkiens are all of the chinese race. Why do we need to discriminate or persecute one another?
Read this:
Partly today was a replacement for yesterday's KL City Day. Roads are quiet. Sure feels like being in the 'eye of the storm'.
However, there are two things of significance:-
1. One of the advantaqe of being in a different crowd, allows exchange of information.
So from today, we have commissioned a Gen Z to introduce skype-ing to our computers! We will give it a try to see how much we could save.
2. To day is the eigth day of CNY. It is the most important day for the Hokkiens, when they pray and give thanks to the Sky God.
Story had it that:
It is in remembrance of the day that the Hokkiens came out from the sugar-cane fields, where they were hidding, after being persecuted by the Hakka's. The Hakka's were a warrior group, moving from one region to the other. Story has it that the Hakka's will understand the language of the land, if they drink the local water. For the journey they carried water, of the previous place with them. Unfortunately for the Hokkiens, when the Hakka's arrived in the Fukkien province, they were still drinking water of the previous land. Hence when asked who they were, the Hokkiens said they are 'lang' which means man but to the Hakka's it means wolf. So the persecution commenced.
The above is just a fable, an ancient Chinese tale. Yet it is so representative of the current world. The Hakka and the Hokkiens are all of the chinese race. Why do we need to discriminate or persecute one another?
Read this:
be still ..........
a refreshing outing .....
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