Wednesday, December 9, 2009

long weekends ....

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Starting with this Friday, every week from now till first week of January, will be a short working week and a long weekend! First it is Selangor's Sultan's birthday; then it is Awal Muharram and then it is Christmas; and of course, last but not least, followed by New Year's day! There are perks staying in a multi-raced country!

And yes, I have finished my budget for 2010! It should be the last time I will be doing and living it! Yeah! Baby! Yeah!

However, personally, there are quite a few things to be decided and sorted out, which will be part of the next five year plan!

One of them being - we finished our final exam for Greek 2 on Jan 12, 2010! But guess what - Hebrew starts on Jan 13, 2010! It is going to be a commitment if yours truly decides to take it! First it is a six month thingy! Then we have to take a four hours drive, to and fro, every Wednesday! Foolhardy or dedication? Sigh! Looks like we have to take it on! Why? God permitting, if yours truly ever get to do a thesis it will be on OT and Hebrew is a necessity??????

Talking about Greek - so why bother with Greek now? Cause it was never offered earlier!

Incidentally, three quarters of the way through our Greek 2, we had this realization, among our classmates! How could we have written what we have written, if we have known at least a language?

So we think Biblical languages should have been offered much, much earlier in MCS, if not compulsory! But then, of course, limitations (or excuses) abound, in all us humans! Otherwise, we are guilty of perpetuating the 'unknowing-ness of the lay-people'!

Education truly belongs only to the elite few!
