Wednesday, December 9, 2009


"trifles make the sum of life"... charles Dickens (1812-1870)

I was just asked why one wants to do this and that!!! Really it is about pursuing further education ... some more at this age... ????

From now onwards, I think I will change my reply, and quote Charles Dickens. My normal reply has been - why not? Which may have been too defensive or aggressive?
Should I quote Dickens, first it would create a silence! Then one would invariably image an expression of 'she is mad', and/or 'getting more and more eccentric with age'! But I love it - feels so naughty too!

The Oxford Dictionary define 'trifle' as a 'thing of slight value or importance'. Quite true! It is especially so when we pursue an education which does not contribute towards the market value in our career! However, it is no longer 'frivolous' if it does contribute and re-enforce, the conscious choice of a religion, we believe in. Moreover, my 'trifling' with theology, would probably keep me occupied, hopefully nearer to God, and definitely out of trouble!

Then on a lighter note, I love trifles - the dessert! Which reminds me, it has been a while and I should make one this weekend! Hmmm.. what shall it be with? strawberries or nangka?
