Friday, March 26, 2010

babies have flown the nest...

Two days after I came back from Singapore, I felt something was amissed. The garden was very quiet. I then realise that the parent bulbuls are not there to greet if not ensure that I do not disturb the nest again.

Of course all sorts of thoughts went through my mind. Like did those 'b...'wild cats get them? Did the cleaning lady's son take them away? Or even - my Dad must have come to take them and made medicinal soup with the babies. Normal but no excuse - we always think the worst of people and situations.

Sob! sob! sob! The babies have flown the nest. I have had wished I was there to see them take their first flight. But I miss it.

It should be a moment of joy and pride, but I have to admit that it does take some getting used to; and there is a sense of emptiness too. Compared to the parents' constant flying in and out to catch insects and feed the babies, the silence was deafening. This is the second lesson within a month. Not sure what 'wounded healing' I need to do eventually, this is a very literal understanding of the statement - birds have flown the nest. Guess this is the time to cut the apron strings, and wish them well.

But God is kind too. Next morning I heard and saw the 'family' feeding off a neighbours tree. The tree was flowering and there were noticably a lot of butterflies and bees around. Actually saw one of the babies chasing after a bee, but was not able to catch it. It has not quite learnt the skills to manoeuvre round and inbetween the branches. Antics brought a smile.

So to remind me, here is a photo to remind me of my pseudo babies!
