My pigeon orchid now has a nest of bulbul's. Yellow vented bulbuls are quite common in Malaysia. I knew the mummy bulbul was nesting, but did not dare to check on nest or how many eggs there were, in case the parents abandon the nest.
Now just about two weeks later, I climbed up the ladder and took these photos. I thought the parents have left the nest for a while. However, they were quite near. For the first time, I felt the agressiveness of a nursing mother! She actually swopped at me, from behind my head; so close I could feel the wind, if not the tip of her wings! It was so sudden, I had to steady myself on the ladder. By the time I realised what it is all about, she displayed threatening behaviours, stared me in the eyes for a minute or at least enough for me to snap a few shots!
So now I have a family of bulbuls (till the baby bulbuls leave the nest) and tree-shrews; not to mention the resident toads that sings on rainy days! Goes to show how 'uninhabited' and safe, my garden is and has been, for the pair of bulbuls to feel comfortable enough to nest! I have to say I am quite delighted!
This, however, is no big deal compared to the 10 foot python which came visiting to a friend's house. Speaks well of how the 'wild' life has managed to find a life right in the middle of KL, Bangsar!