Which brings me to another Chinese adage, that elders love to say to us, but we never listen nor understand - 'I eat more Salt than you have eaten Rice'. Here our ego rather than our curiosity never stops us from doing things that elders will advise against. We think we are better - we have computers and they don't.
So invariably we throw out the babies with the bath water; a thought I heard being voiced re our new form of worship. It is also related to our dropping our affirmation of faith. Coincidentally, I am also reading and eventually supposed to be reflecting on the Nicene Creed.
So what has all these to do with the picture below.
It is so sweet to have young nephews and nieces. Yes, when they are pre-teens and below, they love their Aunties. A friend even asked me once - why does my son likes you so much and is more than a friend to my son compared to me? Don't worry mummies, you will always be the mummy!
Simple! We do not discipline them. Neither do we have to worry if the kids are having fever, not eaten their dinner or done their homework. Aunties are Fairy God Mothers especially Aunties who brings them gifts; hugs them; and are even their playmates. I know because I have been there. I think the only love one could associate such love of a child is one of Jesus's. Jesus loves us inspite and despite of our blemishes and faults. A child doesn't know any better.
So the moral of the story is:-
Love them when they are young. Love them when they don't know any better. Spend as much them with them before they realise that they rather choose to be with friends instead of being seen with their aunties and parents!

My good friend basking in the love of a young and innocent child. A fairy godmother, as represented by the cake, is what she is in this period of the child's life.