Another pointer we learnt from our guide, if we need to cross the road, we just walk into the road, slowly; and the bikers will know how to avoid the pedestrian. Good advice. Except he forgot to tell us not to wear long sleeves, where it could be hooked by the handle bar, like me. Yes, when that happened, I dived into the bike, before I fall and dragged on the road. Landed on the driver, did a 360 roll and stood up on my feet with only a small scratch on my wrist. Praise the Lord!
After the incident, every one, including the biker, and her child just went on their way merrily; without a word to me. I actually expected to be beaten or thrown into the Vietnamese jail. Guess accidents are common and life is also pretty cheap in the third world country too!
vendor soliciting business, expecting the bikers to stop.
view of motorcycles coming at us, whilst we were on a trishaw..phew!
motorcycle 'traffic jam'
view from a french restuarant... yup we did know when to take a break. Only problem we forgot to take a picture of the number of 'pho' or beef noodles we have had..