This is especially so in countries which does not have basilica, temples and ancient ruins!
I suppose it is a novelty for the many of the current post-modern Western generation, who has not lived in a wooden house, waking up literally to the call of the rooster! This is a direct contrast and to quote our friend, Helen, 'I grew in this type of house, where I need to tap the rubber trees before I go to school'.
Irony is - our generation grew up in such living environment; worked like hell to get out of that 'poverty' level. And we now pay US dollars to stay in one! and for our holiday too! I suppose we could also view this as a humbling reminder not to forget that 'poverty' is still very much around!
Our 'home' for the night - no bed bugs to disturb our sleep! Honestly, even if there were any, we were all so tired that we would not have noticed even if the bed bugs carried us off to their den!
Dinner arrangement..
Sleeping arrangement...
keeping warm by 9pm
Waking up to the sound of rooster's cookadoodle-do, and this sight!