So we wake up to news of molotov being thrown into churches...
Yup the powers-that-be are up to their tricks again ...
a. either to topple the Selangor government
b. and to find another common divide ie religion.
The 'Race' card no longer works. They lost majority support from their own people of similar religion and race, in the March 8, 2008 election. So they now utilize and magnify the issue of the High Court decision to allow 'Allah' being used. This is inspite of well known, well read Imans and Islamic leaders saying that word 'Allah' will not be 'sullied' if used by other religion or race.
Apparently the-powers-that-be fear that their fellow Muslims will be 're-converted' to another religion if other religious faith uses 'Allah'. Don't we wish that conversions are so easy. I have more faith that my Muslim neighbours are much smarter than that!
Our Prime Minister denied angrily. Yup! Like we believe he has nothing to do with all the other alleged 'things' flying around. They must really think that the citizens of Malaysia are really so stupid and brainless!
Well, at least Malaysia is once again in World headlines! Regretably, there has not been much or anything positive.
When the Gajah bergaduh, we semut gets trampled. For most of us, we are just ordinary citizens, but very Malaysian at heart...

May Allah have mercy on us!