Saturday, January 2, 2010

new life begins...

A friend called today and asked for the homework that needs to be done! I very gungho-ly and actually told him to forget homework. After all this is the 'last' weekend for us to relax, enjoy the peace and enegerize for the rush to begin on Monday 4th. So we could begin another year ready for a good fight with and for the Lord!

Little did the fact hits home as much as when I just turned on Facebook. Earlier around 3-4pm, there was a lot of 'enhancement' going on; with a lot of interuption. Now I realise that there has really been a lot of enhancement going on! You see our time of 3-4pm is the time when most of US would be asleep; hence a good time for enhancement ie update of the software!

So now after our dinner, I went back to Facebook! True enough all the 'christmasy ' offers were removed. After nearly a month of 'new' snowy, christmasy presents available almost every week, it is back to the normal. So normal that it is almost drab!

It really hits home. The festivity is really over! How right was my 'advice'! How boring and how real.

Come Monday, it is back to business! Personally, it means I have to fill in and sign up for the various things! Sigh! How sad! Once, time seems to fly and we don't really notice such things! However, I do seem to be able to notice and feel the passing of time nowadays! Probably it also shows that age is catching up! Or another way of looking at it is - we became more aware of ourselves, things happening around us as we mature! Fortunately, I have no regrets and have lived as fully as any one could.

Right, tomorrow is Holy communion! We shall make a new convenant for the new year, walking with and fight for the LorD! Amen!