Friday, October 31, 2008

Keeping up with the Times

Okay, I have just gone into the blogs of my nephews and nieces! Puts me to shame. Hence I have spent the last two hours, 'upgrading my blog and learning how to add links.

As of the posting of this entry, I officially consider myself a 'blogger'.

There are so many new toys to play with. Who needs to get married?

Hallo, Hegel, you are wrong! In these post modern times, every man is an island. In fact we are all islands, connected to one another, in a world of islands!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

increasing threshold for pain

Okay, I have signed up for Exile on 5th Nov - my last paper! Yippee Yeah? Not so fast. Not yet. Today is Wed 29th October 2008. I have 3 outstanding assignment, one budget, Jan 08's promotion to complete by 5th Nov.

Yes, we are to maximize our capacity! But as my piano teacher said - I think you have got too much on my hands! Hence maximizing our capacity is also one way to increase our threshold for pain. Also thought of the phrase - fetish for pain! I don't even need to proof any thing to anyone least of all myself! Then again, am I running away from something? Time alone?

NO! I would love to potter away in my garden. I have to cut a tree that may break my drain. The 'tares' in the lawn are one and a half feet tall. I need to watch out for the gardener, who has disappeared for his Diwali holiday. But my plants need time and space to grow. Just like humans, if one love another too much, one stifles them. Well, I don't stifle my plants. Not exactly. I do over-trim them. I kill them by over-feeding them with too much fertilisers.

So I turn my attention by attending lectures. Lo Behold, I have to choose a 'killer'. All in the name of learning from the best! I will get no sympathies from my peers and my lecturer because I made the choice! 5000 words for a hopeful C+?

My choice or my folly as one of my peers said of me! My opportunity cost of a carat!

But if we don't consciously make the choice, we do not know our limitations. The sky is the limit right? Yes! So this smart alec choose! Yes, this fool chooses where the brave would not go!

I could only but laugh at myself!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I am one of many

When I first started writing blog, my objective was similar to 'putting our yoke unto Jesus'. It actually worked very well initially. I simply write away my inner worries, emotions and thoughts and then send it to cyberspace. It doesn't matter who reads it; cause I am a nonetity and nobody in cyberspace knows me. It's my cyberspace diary.

However, this 'objective' has ceased to work. Over the last few months, there were so much 'happenings' in our society, both political and economic issues. It has effected me. Yet, I am now just writing in spits and spats, if at all.
A good excuse is that I no longer find that I am alone in 'my struggle'. Not alone? Struggle? What struggle? Yes, not alone in our national struggle.

Of course, my first and one excuse for not updating or utitlising my blog is that I have had handed in eight assigments in the last year. For the record - as of today i will be attending my 19th lectures (Methodism) this weekend, have two live ones (17th-leadingself, 18th- parables).

Yes, in June 2007, I handed in my assignment on Major Religion - Islam. There I conclude that it is immaterial whether Malaysia is an Islamic state or not;. we just need to help our fellow citizens - the muslim Malays. Islam as a religion is just being used to cling on and be the cohesive vehicle, for a group of people who has now matured or still maturing; being educated and exposed to the post-modern world.

Hence it is with great delight, that March 8 election reflected a 'thinking society' with the colourful players. There are, of course times which were frightening, living through the recent scare of ISA. It is not over yet. But hei, we are still living in moments of history.

When I was in college, I was the only Chinese, female at that, who participated in student sit-ins, occupations, student unions, marches and rally. It was a great, 'lonely' experience then and till now. I have had to make a conscious effort and choice to come back to our Malaysian society and be what my parents' objective of sending my for an overseas education is about: a middle class person with the middle class mangerial job, a house in a middle class area ie bangsar(?), a car and so on...

But now, this time, I am not alone in this Malaysian struggle of the 21st Century. It is with great delight to find that there are so many people who share the same thoughts. Not just thoughts, but the guts, and dare to show it too. And best of all, we have Christians who are willing to go out there and be counted. And of most delight, there are loads of Chinese too!
A good example are my brothers. They are such good chinese sons - good job, family - make loads of money and don't get involved in politics! Very, very middle class and chinese. But it was such a good feeling, when we all jump into our MyV and went for a candlelight vigil.

Yes, I am not alone any more.