Friday, October 30, 2009

wonderful news ....

We had wonderful news today!

One of the major retail store in town is downsizing. It is the fourth and final stage for the year! Has been happening for the last six months!

How does it affect us? Not much as we have had been conservative any way! But there are and has got many people really upset lor, cannot make up for loss of sales, feel cheated due to loads of support etc. etc. etc.

But that's the way things are going and will be for another year!

Incidentally I had a conversation with some one! We were talking about End-times! Seriously if we watch the news and documentary on cable tv etc, one would really feel that the End-times is just round the corner! There is this Seven Sins, Apocalypse and all the natural disasters such as Tornado. What was interesting, and much nearer to home, is the Anak Karakatoa (sp?) volcano. Seems to be very alive and growing; situated between Sumatra and Java in the Sundra Straits! Oh well, if it is any consolation, if this Anak blows, it would affect the rest of the world. So what ever is going to happen to us, we will have loads of company!

Any advise? Don't watch so much TV! Too much knowledge is not always good! Our grandparents generation does not know what illness they die of; neither are they
deluged with what is happening or can be happening tomorrow!

Just make sure we leave our baggage with Jesus every night. Wake up with a clear conscience to a new day and new beginning; because the first thing I see when I wake up every morning, are the hills and the mountains that our Lord made!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the fun theory

The Fun theory.

This video and experiment shows that we can get people to change their behaviour if there are incentives! Incentive here is through the element of fun!

Not sure where and who made this video, as it was sent to me through the mail. Believe it is really a VW ad.

Guess we could relate it to the way we adopt noisy bands into our worship. All in the name of keeping up with the times or at least a way to modernise our form of worship in order to entice our youth!??!!

But we must not forget:-
a. in the video, the underlining statement is that walking up stairs is much more healthy physically
b. in our new form of worship we also need to ensure that the Word of God is instilled.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

what a day ....

This is one of those days!

First I was told that in spite of changing the fan of my CPU, the hard disk has now crashed! So the IT people offered to lend me a spare hard-disk so I could use it first. This is in anticipation that I will be buying a new one! Looks like I can't or will not be able to save some monies!

Well my 'old' twin head has had served me well - four years and a certificate; and loads of fun and knowledge! Can't complain as it worked out to be about 0.23cents a day!

Oh well! Then there is the additional incentive that I do need a new toy! Was told that the new budget means that my tax contribution has come down at least by two percent! Oh well, I do need to praise the Lord, though! Guess I should consider working for a few more years!

Then I found out that there are alternatives with the agst for Mtheo etc! Very interesting alternative indeed! One less excuse for not carrying on my studies! And with a new pc too! I sure look forward to 2010, Lord, what ever you have installed for me!

In the midst of all that, I had a fall. And I mean a fall! Created such a huge noise - big lump falling flat on my face! Knees took the brunt of fall! Except for some bruising, I can walk!

Then I have Greek 2 test today! All these API, 2API etc.! I have not really sat and studied for it. Sigh!

What - all good things must have a black lining to bring us back to earth? and remind us that it is HIM who is in control? I don't mind! I do need it most times!

Update: the fall shocked all the Greek out of me! At least I did not do half the questions - so I would have failed last night's paper. Now I seriously have to do well in the rest of the sessions! Otherwise I would not even get a C+ or 3 GPA!
Other thing is - yes, I am walking with limp! Going up and downstairs is really painful. But I am sure it will be healed in a day or two!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

no pc....

So my notebook is in hospital. It truly needs a new fan for its CPU! Well it has to be done! Before I embark on something new!

So I have done this and that and those things which does not involve access to the net! But I still have the virtual farms and fish tanks to harvest and clean!

Came home for dinner! Went straight up after dinner and have sat in front of the computer! Then one by one, the family trooped upstairs to their own station! I have been at it for the last two hours. So have the rest! There was no need for conversation or acknowledgements of any kind. We do not communicate of course. We are all in our own world. We don't share the fights, tears or sweats we use to have or face! For one the grandparents just could not understand what the grand children are doing and in absolute silence too!

Of course the good part is - the less said the less harm or conflict!

So what about this thing that all man are social animals; no man is an island etc etc. Guess there will be some new renovative ideals and theories soon! How do we interview our subjects? Through the net of course!

I am not sure if the way it is going is good! But I could definitely stay in the house without having to leave it or talk to any one!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Just heard the budget broadcasted live on the radio.
Okay, so we are spending less to reduce the deficit. But it will be some time before we see brighter light!

But the good news is - it is great if we are Students! They will be getting transport passess at RM1.00 and free broadband service if you are still in University! Hmmm... wonder whether it will include part-time students!

Yes, our insurance relief will now be a thousand dollars more. Suppose it will be a great deal for 80% of the working population! However, it is no big deal to others!

Oh well, we still have to tighten our belt for another year or so!

And then, I am supposed to write about a friend.
She is still looking for a job! It is not as if there was no offer! But there are reasons if not excuses! End of the day, it just goes to prove what I believe. We really don't need much to live on! Helps too, if one has another bread-winner in the household.

Monday, October 19, 2009

quiet confidence

Came to work today with a quietness!

Quietness due to no more modules to worry about? Not totally true since i have Greek2.

However, I like to believe that this quietness is due to a confidence in having learnt what I have learnt and the assignments handed in!

Surely Goodness and mercy will follow me as I confidently dwell in the House of the Lord!!!

Wonderful feeling indeed!


Saturday, October 17, 2009

sobering ceremony....

Attended the graduation ceremony on the 16th Saturday, 2009! It is a sobering affair to me for a few reasons!
a. The pomp and tradition of the ceremony befits the occasion.It brings about the seriousness of the occasion, to me anyway! If I have ever thought that it is just another academic award - and I oft have; I have to equate that I have just about been in the presence if not witness the visual 'holiness of God'.
b. The attendance of so many Bishops of different denominations gives a visual representation and coherence of a 'one' church/body of Christ. Do wish such gatherings are more visible for us 'lay christians'(?).

Oh, I have to mention that I do not envy all these young graduands coming out to pastor! Yes, they have finished their first theological education! I praise the Lord for it. But the world out there is not nice! We really have to pray for our young ones! For the matter, it is the same for all other young secular graduands!

Now for the fun part! We had a great time at the graduation dinner! Yes, it was good to gather together without the burden of 'outstanding assignments! Yes, we gave a little expose of what we feel and have to go through as part-time students! Guess you could say we took the opportunity to 'poke fun' at our lecturers! On the other hand, we were told we made heroes of our two 'Ye olde Knights of NT and OT'! What ever it is, we have had learnt a lot of the Word of God, from them!

What next? I think it was appropriately and thoughtfully defined by a fellow classmate! He gave us a parting gift - a book - 'Quiet moments with God! Apt reminder - not just head knowledge but heart knowledge of HIM!
Praise the Lord indeed!

Monday, October 12, 2009

sitting on stilts

My twin head is sitting on stilts. Apparently the CPU's fan is kaput!
So I have to raise it, in order to allow sufficient air flowing underneath, to ensure it does not overheat and black out on me!

Looks like I really need a NEW pc too!

I am not allowed to purchase a Compact as it belongs to HP. One purchase will increase its market share! So it matters? Yes. One of my siblings is working for its competitor !!! But I am allowed to purchase any other Taiwanese brand cause it's market share is peanuts!

Much like I will not be pleased if my suppliers! use another brand of cosmetic in front of me! Neither would you get a government contract when the company is not a bumicompany!

Where does the line stops with marketing tactics verses racial considerations?


Sunday, October 11, 2009

new day

Right it is new day in a new life.
It passed peacefully!
Went for a hair cut.
Marrinated chicken with yohurt and five spice,
for tomorrow's dinner with family!

So what's the big deal?
Had a strange dream!
Some one was very sad
as she/he was prohibited
from entering a bright and shiny house!

Oh well, I am no Freud
Will just leave it as a record!
Was told to watch on History Channel
- God v Satan
- Inside Islam

Need to go to church afterwards
promised some one a walking stick
Looking forward to another
new day!

Friday, October 9, 2009

new beginning

Today is the start of a new beginning
It is also the end of the old
I have made a choice
and will face the consequence

To learn is one thing
To put into practise is another
It can be considered foolhardy
as all changes bring the unknown

but it is the start of what I have learnt
walking in faith
is strange yet not so frightening
as long as we have faith

Can't say what it is
but things are unravelling
some by my God
some by people around me

there will be a lamp upon my feet
in that I will draw strength
neither will I be alone
for the walk before me

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Greeking it 2 ....

Tonight we begin our first class of Greek 2.

Have to say I am looking forward to the grind again!
Strangely, it brings more joy than apprehension! Assume it is the pleasure of learning more of Him, as opposed to pure human adrenalin flowing from pressure?

Share a secret! There is a human and biological factor here! It is real! Just found out today that I was not the only 'strange' one! Found out that a few of us actually suffer from post-assignment syndrome!

Have read an article before, from Fortune magazine, that all the CEO's are just as good and excel in their 'hobby' such as golf, sailing, squash whilst running one of the top 100 Fortune 500 companies.

I am so proud to say that a few of my class mates really excel (better than me, of course) in their studies of God's word too! This is, in addition, to their busy schedule!!! We are talking about the Core Subjects on Old and New Testament!

Of course, we do not forget that it is our Lord who made it possible. We give praises and sacrifices of thanksgiving! Glory be to the Lord!

ps. tell you a joke - I have no where to attach my Greek 2 to!

Monday, October 5, 2009

historic day

Well, we were invited to the graduation "pending official notice from Academic Office"!

So today is a historic day, indeed! We were all told officially that "you can sleep well and look forward to the graduation day". Yes, it was a relief and the handphone has been busy! Then of course there is the exchange of grades and GPA!

I have been:-
a. 'told off' that we are not supposed to talk about grades if we are studying theology. End of the day, the reality is that an education with an institution needs an authentic certification. Also a grade invariably represents the degree of our understanding of the subject or God's word!

b. questioned with a bit of disdain as to why do we need to pursue a certificate! Sorry kid, I confess I am not very disciplined! An audit does not force me to search or dig further about my God. I suppose I could use the excuse I am medically deaf in one ear as far as sermons are concerned. Whatever it is, both are like 'ee-pin-foong' (in Cantonese) meaning 'wind blowing beside the ear'! it does not all go into my heart!

Incidentally (b) was said by a person of the frock! Hei, we are no threat, you know! At best, we are watch-dogs, and question you a bit more! Have you no confidence in yourself or your faith?


Went for a classmates' daughter's wedding! Good gathering to see friends again! Learning to get use to saying 'I am your mum's or mother-in-laws classmate'!

I have to take my hat off for all these females, who holds a job, runs the office and family and bring up at least two kids! Oh have to mention - catering and taking care of the 'husband'. All these without a maid! A couple of things come to mind!

First, here I am thinking it is a great deal to run a company, do my assignments, wondering what to do with the house work, washing and ironing, since the maid has not been turning up for two weeks now. Not to mention waiting for the plumber! The washer has broken down and have run up a huge water bill! Oh, forgot to mention I have to go see my aging parents, as well!

At least a decade ago, I read a thesis done by an American female. Met and read her thesis in a plane. There was no internet then, neither did I keep in contact; so can't quote her! Her conclusion is that the Asian females are far more superior (if not wile-ly) than their American counterparts! A rather amusing conclusion she draws is that 'the Asian females, although, in reality, runs the family (plus the office) has managed to 'make the husband feels like he is the man of the household and family'.

Since then I have to admit that I have had learnt from it. I do not have open confrontation with Asian Bosses! I have learnt to make them feel extremely important, giving them the full credit whilst getting the job done - my way!. I have also long accepted that it will take another generation or two, before females will be recognised as really equal - at home, in the corporate world, or in church(?)!

This is a total opposite from dealing with 'white-western' bosses! They like to have an open and frank disscussion. Most importantly, they will acknowledge they are wrong! No ego getting in the way! I thank my western female counterparts. They are pioneers for many females of future generations to come!

Oh! Last but not least, incidentally I was told that I should get a house-husband! Hmm... not a bad idea!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

fine line ....

It does not matter what culture, religious or social group we belong to. One reality is - we very quickly learn to stay within the fine, unspoken and even invisible lines that is inherent in that culture, social or religious group. This way we get accepted and approved.

So since becoming a Christian, I have ceased to do many things. Some of them are definitely voluntary because of convictions. But there are many, of which I am not sure whether it stays within a biblically accepted behaviour or not!

Take this short video - 'dear penis'.
To me it is good clean fun! I know the title and subject sung about is 'sensitive' but it is just another body part! One could make another video about our 'dear big-toe or nose'.

I know that there will be some who will frown on it. Some will definitely and can even quote verses after verses in the Bible how one can stumble another and how it will devilify our mind.

Watch the video. Script is brilliant. Song and facial expressions are more than adept and wonderfully delivered.

So access this and tell me, if I am not allowed to 'enjoy' it!

Access video at:-

Thursday, October 1, 2009

9 chickens, 8 cows and a baby elephant

Okay, it is just about two months where I am having a break!

So I have been manning my virtual farm. Yup I am at level 24. Yes, I do have nine chickens, 8 cows and a baby elephant. Yes, a friend actually gave me an elephant! What does one do with an elephant. You see we could harvest ie collect eggs from chicken, milk the cows and even collect wool from sheep. Actually had five sheep as well, but sold it! So coming back to the elephant, I do look forward as to how we could harvest an elephant. Collect his dung as firewood?

Then I also have my virtual aquarium, my farm at Farmtown, Barn buddy and my happy aquarium. All in all, it has kept me really busy! Except I don't the feeling of being 'bound' to the computer! I actually caught myself rushing back as it is time to harvest my crops! I can't even be bound by men, and will definitely not let an innate thing do that!

I could well understand, like I could harvest twice a day, when I am sitting at the computer all day. It does make sense! Especially if no one else can see your screen. I mean one could really look busy, or take a break when one needs to look at figures all the time! OR keep me company when I have insomnia!

But this will all end! Why? Greek 2 is starting next week! Never thought I will look forward to it! A couple of my classmates said that they have forgotten their vocabs. Well, I have faith that it would be rather easy to brush up now then say a year later!

Question now is - what do I do with my animals? I have not named them, so should have no regrets! Will some Animal Cops come after me, like what we see in US programmes, summoning owners and rescuing abused animals? What I have in common with the Animal Cops are - we have too much time and wealth on our hands! Give an animal be it dogs, cat, chicken or cows to some one in Africa, and it would probably be eaten!

I know dogs taste delicious. It is also known to help elevate chest and lung problems, due to the various herbs used to cook it. Maybe one day, I will need a pet for company. But for the moment, I love to tell the story of how tasty dogs are, especially served stewed!

Oh well, to each it's own!