Thursday, February 26, 2009

of wheat and tares

It is the time of my life where the dateline is getting very near but I am no where near but struggling to complete it.

Yes, I have chosen a most complicated parable. I chose it for no other reason than I have always been made to feel like a goat and not a sheep and now maybe a tare and not a wheat! And we call ourselves of the same community of faith! Then there's the other issue of the kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God. What's the diff... as my younger peers will say. Yet, we homo sapiens still indulge in comparisons, compartmentalisation and the 'different other'. Why do we persists and need to do that?

Obviously because we have not learnt about Jesus's one commandment of 'Loving one another as much as we love Him! For one, when we are blossoming out into adulthood, there's the puppy love. As we are thrown into Paul's world, we love ourselves much more than others! Sad! very Sad!

Today, or at least a couple of hours ago, it's Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lent. About two thousand and nine years ago, Jesus enters Jerusalem for the last time; when He was eventually be crucified.

So Lord -
forgive us for our trespasses
lead us not into tempation and
keep us from evil.
for You are the power, glory and kingdom!