Thursday, February 19, 2009

a time to praise......

Yes, the last few weeks have been tough! And whatever is to come is just a chore!

But for now, it is the time to Praise the faithfulness of the Lord!

Why? because with the world economy swirling around, and expecting the worst, we have and will close the first quarter really well. And it is only mid February! I have to confess I did not believe my eyes, when I saw the figures!

Oh me - Oh my soul - you are such a creature of so-little faith!
Never ever forget - HIS mighty wings will bear us.

" the care the eagle gives her young...
when we flutter helplessly as fledgling eagles fall
beneath us lift God's mighty wings to bear us, one and all"
(UMH 118 - by R Deame Postlethwaite)

Oh, I have to thank my friends who prayed for me and gave me encouragement!