Sunday, March 1, 2009

being bossy...

I have been told off before by my brother - "don't just because you are so used to instructing (bossing) people around in your office, you should come back home and do the same! Well, I committed the same folly again in class today!

We were broken up into groups! After realising that we were at a loss what to do with analysing a Company Sustainability Report, yours truly 'took over'. I did not apologise for bossy them around but just gave specific jobs for each to do! After which our group presented a rather respectable report.

I hope we have all learnt something. I have. I realise I would not be a good youth leader or a good prayer warrior and definitely not a long suffering church worker! Yet, this potpurri of personality makes up the body of Christ! Together as Christians, we could change the Business World - which was what our lecturer was trying to tell us subtlely anyway!