Saturday, September 5, 2009

my mum's garden

Took a friend to meet my mum and for a tour in her garden. Ashamed to say that I did not know most of the plants - there are herbs and organic vegetables. It has provided the occasional dish for the dinner table.

Holy Basil - Our Malay neighbours love to fry with eggs! Or Mum boils it with ginger and onions to sooth a cough or two! I just infuse it with hot water and honey!

Most of us would think this is weed! Well, the Indonesian contractor, for whom my mum boiled soup for, swears by it! Preventive medicine for kidney stones and painful blocked urinary tract!

Yes, this is real. Not sure what species or where mum got the seeds from; but the ladies finger is at 11 inches and still growing!

A-ha! this is the flower of the ladies finger plant!