Friday, September 25, 2009

under performing

I have been bothered by a few things. But this blog is no longer my diary, so it seems I have to be careful what I write.

So 'Under performing'... recently I heard that a pastor was not given a posting because he has been 'under performing'! One cannot defrock or un-ordain a pastor. Does not having a posting means that one will not be paid? Does not being paid a salary means that that particular pastor is 'sacked'.

To qualify myself. Fortunately or unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to be trained as one nor be one. Again, fortunately or unfortunately, neither did I take enough modules on and about the role of a pastor. So how does one judge that a pastor is under performing.

In the secular world, if we deem a staff to be under- performing in a particular position, we must provide training. In spite of that, and staff still does not seem to be interested we need to be seen to be 'assisting' by providing another position in another department. If the employer really wants to 'get rid' of the staff, as staff is not a team player, hence a political issue and not performance issue, the employer will still need to show cause by giving three warning letters.

So an employee in the secular world is protected by various labour laws. What about pastors? Does the church abides by the law of the land? Does the church abides the law of the kingdom of God?

George Ladd defined the relationship between the church and the kingdom as: “while the church is not the kingdom, the kingdom creates the church, the church witnesses to the kingdom, the church is the instrument of the kingdom, and it is the custodian of the kingdom".(George Eldon Ladd, Λ Theology of the New Testament [Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974] pg.111-19).

Second time round, we are not bothered any more. Only good thing is I have learnt of God, through the various courses! Then again, have I found the answer to why some people viewed that it is not necessary for lay people to pursue further theological study?

Half baked, thinking pseudo-theologicans are surely a dangerous thing!