Monday, December 22, 2008

finally an Apple....

Yup! finally I received an Apple.
By Apple, I mean an A (actually A-). It has always eluded me.

Now that the euphoria has settled down, I should also reflect.

Yes, I have had been told we are not supposed to worry about grades, when it comes to the studying of His Word. First, I was guilty and worried for this ambitious pursue for excellence. Then I found out that there are others who feels the same. I still believe we should not compromise.

So far, yours truly is only an average three plus GPA student. If not for the less 'theological subjects', averaging up the grades, it would have been a much longer haul and light at the end of the tunnel very distant.

The greatest difficulty faced is the lack of Exposure. Exposure as in-depth knowledge of the various theories/subjects. We no longer have the excuse of not enough reading materials with generously donated on-line journals. However, we still have the excuse of lack of time, juggling work and reading. Maximizing one's capacity (phrase taught to me by a trainer) has its opportunity cost of social life and even work responsiblity.

The lack of Exposure to Christianity and the community of faith, is also of significance. I acknowledge and realise that one is less able to 'discuss'. This is especially so when it comes to relating various theories with the current situation.

Last but not least, of course, the lack of knowledge of Greek and Hebrew is so frustrating. I can't compare it's innuedos etc.; Or it is so time consuming trying. Take for example, I laid my hands on this really intellectual article. It is spated with Greek! Wait a minute, it is Hebrew! So it is a scramble for Bibleworks.

Oh well, just for this reason alone, I guess it is a good enough reason to continue my pursue of His Word. At least it will satisfy my curiosity?

I am still thinking!