Monday, December 22, 2008

kor tung

Today or at least 21st Dec 08 is a special day, for two reasons.

For a long while now Kor Tung or Winter Solistice, has fallen on the 22nd instead of the 21st Dec. So 21st Dec 2008 is a record.

Kor Tung in old chinese history, is the last day of winter. The next day one starts preparing the fields for planting, in time for spring harvest. Kor Tung is also supposed to be more important than the lunar new year. Not sure why! Apparently families are to gather together for a meal; and get ready for planting the next day.

As Overseas Chinese, especially as children, it is the day we get to play and make funny shapes of 'tong-yuen'; much like plastersine except we do it with rice flour, cook it and eat it.

Since it is such an important day, and also near the end of 2008, I guess we should reflect on the year that have passed. Of course, we could always have done better; but I have learnt to mellow. I couldn't have asked for more and definitely have nothing to complain about, but thanksgiving.

I have long decided not to have resolutions, as we never keep them. So here's to another year .......
Another year of trials and tribulations.
Another year of moulding and polishing.
All for HIS Glory and Kingdom!

This weekend has also been memorable.
1. Attended the Cantata, A Night of Miracles, at Pudu. Choir sang heavenly. Joanna as always ha s been a great conductor; not to mention the perfect solo rendition by our classmate Pearlie Ng.

2. Had a thought:- One community of faith's loss is another's gain. HIS Grace is never restricted to the big and powerful. Never have I seen the statement 'small is beautiful' personified so perfectly. HIS Spirit is truly with the faithful.

3. When it comes down to the bare basics only two human beings matters in life. Whatever have had been said or done, it has been my choice. It is now confirmed that I have done right by it! We had a wonderful Kor Tung dinner of fresh oysters, salmons, and goat cheese in an apt celebrative ambience.

I am at rest!
Praise the Lord, O my Soul! Praise HIM indeed!