Wednesday, January 28, 2009

celebrating life 2

As usual, the first two days of CNY has always been stressful and very busy.

Yes, we did our duties in visiting all the elders of the family. The only fortunate thing is - all our relatives stay in our 'KL-Village'; and traffic was soooo.... smooth and clear! Yup, I am still shamelessly picking up my normal RM of Ang Pows!

However, in the last 365 days, we have lost one elder; and the rest of the elders are getting older with one or two more infirmities creeping up on them.

And the Gen Z's - they have grown literally by leap and bounds. They are all taller than me by at least a head! Yes, I am a grand-aunt! This is because the less educated one is, the earlier one jumps into marriage. Poverty is a viscious cycle! Education to the chinese race is the only way out!

Mum cooked loads of food as usual, for the relatives and her students. Not forgetting our afamous Hakka cha-chee-yuk. It is now a standing joke - "We all come once a year for it" and then proceed to comparing notes on how many years they have been doing it. We all agree on one thing. It is now no longer as tasty as before. My mum's take on it is - we cannot use belly-pork any more, lean meat is healthier! But the beauty of this particular dish is the contrast of biting into soft, oozing pork FAT and lean meat!!!

In this period of celebration, using CNY as a bench mark, we should take a moment to remember that time is passing by us and there is nothing we could do about it. My mum is extremely grateful that she saw another year. She suffered from a collapsed lumbar-five, after a snatch and run robbery, May 08 - "I never thought I see another CNY and be walking again"!

So let us eat and let live!

We will go back to our smoothies and diet after this!