Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the year ahead...

Boy oh boy! If these 20days into the year is a reflection of what is ahead, it will not be good for many of us. Two days into this week, we were deluge with requests for more and more promotions - buy one free one, buy second for 50% etc. This is inaddition to the regular best buys dished out to date!

Yes, we are innudated daily with news of the downside of world economy. If we are all so negative, we will surely live down this self-prophetic doom! Is there nothing positive out there?

Afterall our parents live through the 2nd world war, the depressions, the 70's, 80's and the 90's and now!

Historically, what is happening now is just another cycle where things the economy etc needs to right itself! It is also what the Taoist believe ie there will be a 'change' at the turn of the decade! This is 2009! Next year is 2010. True or not, we will have a new prime minister in March and the US new president, Barrack Obama is inaugurated to day!

Right - Calm down, calm down! It is not the end of the world yet. At least I believe it will not be within my life time!