Sunday, November 29, 2009

Anak TEE

Okay we have started a page called "Anak TEE", on this auspicious day of the Advent!
Originally we were going to call it - Anak TEE-iri. In our National Language it is supposed to mean 'step-child'. Long story as to how it came about! If full time students have their grouses of pastoring, mentoring etc... can you imagine what happens to us part-timers and how we feel!

Guess we are more focused! Most of us are already serving in various ministries, and just want to enhance our ability to do God's work. It does not matter whether our original objective for attempting any TEE is 'a calling'. After the required hours of lectures, we all return to our own homes, churches, work and families. We are all VERY MUCH ALONE.

Hence Anak TEE is a place to simply connect and share our notes, references, books and even our trial and tribulations. Think we could do away with the term of mentoring etc.... But we do really need our fellow students to edge and encourage one another.

After going through the grind, I can testify that it is only through the knowledge of His Word, do we really know our God. We need to digest His Word ie think, question and mull over what we read, then regurgitate and express?. Believe me you, while you mull over what you have read, the Holy Spirit will speak to you.

We will see how the response will be like! God-willing, we hope to encourage and guide our fellow anaks to finish their studies.
