Friday, December 11, 2009

white christmas

I was wondering whether I should title this as 'life's not fair' or something negative. I decided that 'white christmas' would be more appropriate and positive.

So what's not fair? Life never is fair anyway!

The story is I am trying to wean myself off virtual farms and aquariums! I mean, I have actually acquiesed to a 386 workstation for home use; just enough to do the Word and Excel, so I would not be able to enjoy any of those computer games! Much like cutting my nose off to spite my face!

But I have to admit that Zynga has been doing a good job, upgrading and updating its software. They have not only come out with christmasy gifts and stuff.

The issue is:- I never have enough neighbours to expand; though I may have the cash. I also absolutely refused to indulge in 'paypal' though they did offer discounts. Yet, I have managed to go up to level 31 with only a 12*12 farm. So now, they have even made available for me to upgrade my farm, for a mere $25,000, just so I could purchase Christmas decorations.

Question is:- Oh no! How did they single my farm out? Looks like my farm must have stuck out like a sore thumb in their statistics!

The best is yet to come! Zynga has just made available for us to have a snow-blanketed farm! It has been a while I had a real white Christmas. 'Silent night' has never been the same without the snow!

But, but... I now have a virtual white christmas!!! Isn't it great?
What will we ever do, if we do not have all these modern technologies and inventions! I have had to thank them for the pleasure and company!

Last but not least, looks like the twinhead and now the 386 really have to be binned!
We can't live without modern technology! Sigh!
