Tuesday, August 11, 2009

J baru.....

Just came back from a visit to Johore Baru...it has been at least 10 years since I last visited it.

Johore Baru is now really BARU... It is now so full of highways and new-ways! Yet Johore Baru town is now a old and dead town. The Baru in Johore Baru is now no longer relevant - see the pun?

Instead there are so many suburbs and new township which is self-contained. I can't complain. Recently a friend - who has migrated and came back for a visit - was complaining on how she got lost on the new highways. First I apologise that she got lost. Then I said that if we have had no progress and new highways - then you would have said 'this place is still in the 19kong-kong ie in the backwaters'.

We stayed in a nice spread-out hotel near the sea. We saw a lone heron. But we did not see or hear any birds in the morning, although there were a few matured trees! I hope the birds like the people have migrated to the surburbs.

The price we pay for progress!