Friday, August 7, 2009

PMR's and SPM

Cor! there are three Z generation kids in our family who are having their PMR's and SPM. There are the last batch and the youngest of the lot of nephews and niece.

You would not believe the 'pressure' in the air! When I do drop by to see the old folks, it is just a quick hallo, how are you and then off we go!

But this is the trend and bane of our Chinese society in our beloved Malaysia.
But what else could we do but to push our kids? We are not the landed gentry, neither are we the inherited rich! So education is our only way out of poverty. At least this is the reason I gave to a foreign diplomatic personnel when she mentioned that the US and UK universities are full of Asians, who are also excelling in their exams.

This pressure-cooker atmosphere will be around for the next three months. But there will be two months of fun in November and December. I look forward to the family trips and pop-corns and movies we will be watching together. I do have to start saving for these extra expenses. But no big deal, as it soon will be college overseas and we won't hear from them much - especially if they decide to remain overseas! Sigh! that's life!

Oh, I forgot to mention about the amount of chicken essence and chinese herbs that are around. Suppose to be energy and brain food for exams! See the difference in our attitude towards education verses the rest of the country?