Thursday, August 27, 2009

loyal pet-dogs...

I am really angry today!
I just told someone off for 'defending xxxxx'. It is not the first time the friend is doing it. Guess, it also reflects on the maturity of a person! And still with anger, wrote a long mail as to why we should not be 'loyal pet-dogs' barking with no real defense or reason for our barking!

We human beings, defend another because the person we are defending:-
a. is a friend.
b. belongs to our social or political group
c. is another Christian.

I know Jesus said that we are to offer our enemies water to drink, plus love them, so that we could reflect Jesus in us. I have defended friends and foe alike. I get really infuriated when we defend another, without rhyme or reason. It is especially so when we do so just because the other person is another Christian.

Why cannot we speak any wrong of another who is a Christian? Sure, slap the quote from the Bible that 'we must watch our tongue'. What we seem not to recognize, is that we are all humans first before we are Christians. We are constantly making mistakes! We are all still working (very hard) on our way to being holy!

Last but not least, let me quote my favourite statement! We have been given a brain by God to think. Perhaps, my God-given brain may have thought wrongly most of the time, but, at least I use it!