Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Generation Gap

I had a right telling off by my friends. I am suppose to change my attitude otherwise i would not be able to transcend the generation Gap. What generation gap? It is not between my parents and me. But with the young executives that i am suppose to employ.

a. I am a Baby Boomer.
b. My friends in their 35-50 are from GEneration X
c. My 'assistants' in my office, if I wish to have one is from Generation Y - 21 to 34
d. My Nephews and nieces are from Generation Z - 20 and below.

Generation Y is a direct creation of the Baby Bloomers. Technically it is not my fault, since i have no kids. But our generation created them. Hence we either 'eliminate' or 'manage' them.

Got to read up before I write more over this issue, when I get home.